Simon Wilder

It probably speaks to my own latent homophobia actually that my mind even went there first before it went to spanking.

Woah woah woah! I was just asking a question, apologies, apologies. Besides, I don't need an excuse to be outraged over homophobia, I live in Birmingham

Is 'butthurt' offensive? What is the etymology of this phrase? Is it an allusion to sodomy or anal rape?

I guarantee you have never worked in a restaurant. The fact that you live in Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place and not the real world does not make me incorrect.

Trust me, you're annoying the piss out of the staff

Except there would also be plenty of time at the Chili's for side conversations with people that don't work there. I'm always amazed to see movies and TV shows depicting a waitering shift always showing the servers having all the time in the world to engage in conversation with whatever idiot is trying to woo them.

The Boxcar Children

I feel like the Adversary reveal was pretty sweet though even if SPOILERS peter pan obviously would have been more awesome. I just don't understand why comic kept going so far past its natural ending. because it was popular? like watching lord of the rings for six more movies after the ring is destroyed.

The weird thing is Fables has a natural ending point it builds towards to and for some reason keeps going after that. for years now.

More accurate title? I just don't get it. He's the equivalent of a Department Store Santa Clause. What's with all the ink?

I thought this was guy was the actual voice of McGruff. What a gyp. Not even worth linking to.

"Citizen, one of hundreds over a 25 year time span, paid $9.00 an hour to wear McGruff the Crime Dog costume at various functions, jailed today for possessing 1000 pot plants and a grenade launcher" would be a better title

So he was just one of hundreds, possibly thousands of 'actors' who wore a fake mascot costume at school assemblies and sports games? What a gyp. Guy didn't even have an imdb page. That's not how acting works.

Eh. The fact that it's a passion project they were campaigning AMC to do is kind of exciting. I feel like Rogen and Goldberg have the comedic screenwriting chops (and I thought This is the End had a fairly impressive visual sensibility) to make a fresh, pretty exciting preacher.

wish he was just a little younger. they definitely need to cast a southerner.

A suspicion? Of course it was. I think Jesse even expressly states that at the end.

I love how even with all the dozens of different casting suggestions for the characters I see from website to website, two actors are always without fail suggested for the part of Arseface: shia labeouf and paul dano

Can someone explain this 'actor' thing to me. I thought McGruff was a cartoon PSA thing. So this guy was the voice?

I get where you're coming from. Season 2 and Season 3 of Buffy are all timers.

The oc