Simon Wilder

Fiery Furnaces

The Glee episode of Community was what made you pack in the bag?


Yale New Haven Hospital and its team of child abuse specialists working for the police came to the conclusion not only that Dylan hadn't been molested but that she was coached. That is evidence, expert evidence that can be used in a court of law. That is why Allen was not charged. It seems crazy to me that so many

"In most circumstances," the panel wrote, Mr. Maco's comments "would have violated the prosecutor's obligation to the accused." But because Mr. Allen had previously criticized the prosecutor's handling of the case, they concluded, Mr. Maco was justified in responding."

Not technically accurate. Part of the reason the burden of proof for criminal liability is so high is because of the accompanying harsh social stigma. Idealistically (very idealistically) the way its supposed to work is that if someone is acquitted or arrested but charges are not filed/dropped than the accompanying

It's crazy that people actually believe Allen had a preexisting relationship with impartial child abuse specialists sought out by the police. What you're actually suggesting when you make a comment like that is that there was a criminal, state cover up of the alleged molestation involving police, doctors, and the

That is one of the biggest myths that's being dispelled across the internet. First off, Dylan was a minor at the time that couldn't legally 'agree' to anything. Second off, criminal charges are not filed or pressed or really determined at all by the alleged victims involved beyond the initial call to police and

His alleged acts were the subject of a six month investigation…

I'm not an Allen defender. I'm just being rational. Which doesn't imply that any 'side' for lack of a better term has a monopoly on rationality. But a Vanity Fair article is not evidence of anything and shouldn't be likened as such. Nor does the Weide article 'clear' Allen of anything as I've seen some people suggest.

"So I don't think "I guess we'll never really know" is a satisfactory position to leave things in"

The 1992 Vanity Fair Article isn't admissible evidence. It's nothing. Witnesses are willing to attest to what exactly? Nothing illegal, or charges would have been filed at some point during the six month investigation. What Sophronisba said is exactly correct.

But what Judge? That was essentially a custody hearing. I've been seeing people taking quotes from Allen's custody hearings and conflating them with the criminal charges (which were never filed). In custody hearings, Judges are going to tell you if they think you're a selfish, bad parent. It's part of the job. Which,

If anyone hasn't seen the Mattress Man commercial that was a bonus feature on the Punch Drunk Love DVD do yourself a favor and Youtube it, quite a hoot

"There isn't a lot in the movie that is funny. I did like Philip Seymour Hoffman as Sandy, Reuben's best man; he's a former child star, now reduced to having strangers tell him how amazed they are that he's still alive. How he responds to this in one early scene is a small masterpiece of facial melodrama."

"So intent is he on this process that he rarely raises his voice, or his eyes, from the task at hand. Philip Seymour Hoffman, that fearless poet of implosion, plays the role with a fierce integrity, never sending out signals for our sympathy because he knows that Mahowny is oblivious to our presence. Like an artist,

"There is a kind of attentive concern that Hoffman brings to his characters, as if he has been giving them private lessons, and now it is time for their first public recital. Whether or not they are ready, it can be put off no longer, and so here they are, trembling and blinking, wondering why everyone else seems to

Minor correction: He won the Oscar in 2006

Oooohhhh "just don't do heroin" my god is there anyway you can get this message out there to the rest of the world?

If you already know the answers to your question than why ask pig fuck!!