Simon Wilder

What the hell. I've actually met a lot of people who claimed to have been in that scene. Maybe it's the ultimate extras scene to lie about being in.

You mean he wasn't consciously making a movie about a man who didn't respect mother nature for people who don't respect mother nature?

Ali sucked

It's an interesting concept, but as members of the AV Club aren't we savvy enough to sift through and make our own Netflix choices? In fact, isn't enjoying sifting through title after title sort of define the kind of person who migrates to this site? The Netflix podcast might be a more apt one to recommend on

Mike Vago, David Chase was a writer good enough to answer those questions in his 1980 "Off the Minnesota Strip" about a runaway teenage prostitute who returns from New York to her Midwest small town life. I bet it's available on Youtube.

What is Shawn Ryan without his wingman Sutter? And yes, I've seen Terriers. It was a nice little show.

I don't like the sound of this at all. Are we dealing with a black Kurt Cobain? Get better Donald!!!<3

I agree. I also had a problem with that line "I never do business over the telephone or even e-mail, I only do face to face." I don't ask for a lot of suspension of disbelief with these types of shows but that line just smacked of a writer thinking it sounded really cool without considering the actual implications.

I heard a rumor Netflix was adapting something called 'Preacher' after this one with James Marsden as 'Jesse Custer' and Robbie Coltrane as his vampire friend.

I heard a rumor Netflix was adapting something called 'Preacher' after this one with James Marsden as 'Jesse Custer' and Robbie Coltrane as his vampire friend.


I think you have to divide it up into tiers. 2007 is ridiculously top heavy.

The highest I ever won was $4,000 in a Blackjack tournament in Atlantic City. Lost it all but $70 that same night of course.

It was. It was a parody of the kind of ending it seemed the naysayers were demanding. I thought it was ridiculous enough that people wouldn't take me seriously.

When I first watched this it didn't sit well with me; the ending seemed too pat, too perfect, too much of a 'happy ending.' Upon multiple viewings of Walt's final moments and listening to the "baby blue" song over and over its become clear to me that this is far from the case. The song and his final moments imply that

Fuck this. I didn't think Gilligan would pussy out like that. The proper ending would have been Walt dying in that cabin and Forster taking what was left of his money, Jesse getting capped after the methylamine ran out while the Nazis retired to sandy beaches, with a final romantic stroll on the shore between Todd and


With what could he possibly blackmail them with? You're talking about the Schwartzes agreeing to commit a serious felony. What could he possibly have on them?

Hah awesome, I completely guesstimated on the whole 18 month thing. That's what it felt like at that point in my life, all these great cage performances no one was talking about were being churned out one after the other.

'Watch This' should do a Nicolas Cage theme week when 'Joe' comes out. As far as his lower key, more unsung work I would nominate his 18 month stretch of Matchstick Men, Lord of War, and the Weatherman