Simon Wilder

Johnson was sweet

My thoughts exactly, 'Spare Chang.' He's going to do whatever he can to not let history repeat itself. Gilligan isn't ending this show with Walter going on some sort of insane killing spree of civilians at Gray Matter. That would just be bad writing.

That kid would only be like 6 or 7 now.

They basically positioned Gray Matter as his super villain origin in the 'Buyout' episode. This really didn't come out of the blue for anyone who actually pays attention to the show; there were several critics who upon finding out Charlie Rose was in this episode predicted that Elliot and Gretchen would be on his

This was an interesting book but will not be a very good TV show. This is because cool mythology is what makes a speculative television show great. The book isn't interested in anything like that, just with how the mundane lives of a few characters are unequivocally changed after the real rapture takes place. It would

Right, because that's obviously what I meant to type with my smartphone on a busy train. I really thought 'googling' was spelled 'goggling.' Don't you know typos are the lowest form of insult? Go soak your head.

"It's true, he does have connections. Came up in the background I did on him. Didn't worry me then, doesn't worry me now. He's just flexing."

IQ would apply to you not goggling 'EQ' before posting such a dumb comment, Juan Powers

Right? The direct close up of Anna Gunn's slow tears at her sudden realization at what Walt was doing? Walt's pained expression at the end?

What he meant was that we don't have to worry about any blowback if we kill Todd. That was the context for the whole thing, Todd killed the boy, Jesse/Walt/Mike were debating wasting him, Todd mentioned his Uncle and prison connections, and Mike said it didn't worry him. I think hindsight shows that was shortsighted.

eleventh hour? Have you been watching the last few episodes? Of course it's coming, if not wholly redemptive, than definitely triumphant

Is this your first time using the Internet?

"My name is ASAC Schrader. And you can go fuck yourself."

Hah, I actually have to tip my hat to you. You took my long winded ass down with a single line, well done. I just want to make it clear I wasn't trying to be a dick, just bolster appreciation for O. Russell's achievement, because there was a long window of time where I was nervous that we'd never see another one of

I don't see how you couldn't call it a comeback. I Heart Huckabees received a very tepid response and didn't break even at the box office. This was back in 2004, and his next film didn't come out until 2010. Between Huckabees and The Fighter he weathered a lot of bad press (Lily Tomlin video went viral on youtube,

The Fighter: 2 Academy Awards for Christian Bale and Melissa Leo as well as a nomination for Amy Adams.

Do you think the screenwriters perhaps deserve some credit for that detail? A commentary on the characters sort of thing and their overall naivety? Their complete unawareness of the technology/nature dichotomy and how screwed they might truly be if placed into a horrific scenario like the one they were? Do you think

Did O' Russell really 'snag Batman'? I think a more appropriate description would have been Bale is paying the favor back to O' Russell for directing him to an Oscar in The Fighter

I wasn't trying to 'get' you sheesh. You actually stated an exact quote from the new Bloom on Atwood series, right down to the 'I dispute that she is a genius.' I literally thought you were Harold Bloom and am still not convinced otherwise; you have a certain rhetorical flourish I admire.

the idea of science outstripping moral responsibility is a time honored literary trope used from 'Frankenstein' to 'Cat's Cradle.' I don't think this is a particularly controversial view shared only by english majors, or that only people 'like Atwood' are guilty of (again, it's been done over, and over, and over