Simon Wilder

Play nice, Invisible Handjob. There are certainly more holes to be had in your "Didn't seem like all that and a bag of chips argument" in regards to The Shield versus our "The Shield is one of the greatest televisions shows of all time one."

Was the Margos shooting supposed to represent another major shift for Vic on the road to hell? If so, I'm not sure how effective it was. It really was the only option that made sense at the time with such a dangerous man.

This reminds me of the woman who traveled to Minnesota from Japan to find the money Buscemi buried by the side of the road. They say her frozen corpse was found with her fingers stretched out, desperately clawing through the mud and snow for a bounty that never existed to begin with.

Psycho II shouldn't be lumped together with the rest of these films. Psycho II is actually a pretty solid 80's horror movie with a great performance by Perkins and a darkly funny subtext, that after being released from the nuthouse the entire world wants Norman to go back to being crazy. The Batman the Animated Series

Vince Gilligan is an incredibly talented television writer and showrunner. Let's not take away from his moment by making hyperbolic comparisons that don't make any sense; we derive much of our language (modern english), psychology (from Freud to the concept of a healthy sex life) and mythology from Shakespeare's plays

What does the RWG at the end of your post mean?

Give the real life Cranston a thimble of Gin and he'd practically sing the lotto ticket coordinates to you in a high falsetto. For all we know Zach got him liquored up at some bloggers only AMC meet and greet. I wouldn't doubt his insights.  

Why do you sign your posts? Go soak your head

RWG, take a hike

RWG, you stink

Thank you, your thoughts on the first film mirror mine exactly, especially in regards to the bravura of the four action scenes you mentioned (especially the nightvision scene). If Wadlow didn't transplant the aesthetic of those scenes I have no reason to soil my memories of the original and will be avoiding this. Can

Not many action films can claim to have one scene, much less three, as electrifying and terrifically filmed as Hit Girl's apartment fight, Big Daddy's warehouse scene, and the entire bravura finale

What you call a problem I thought of as a strength of the film over the comic. Instead of 'thematic problems' I thought of Kick Ass as being a classic bait and switch movie, and in its case the switch was so much more appealing than the bait. At around the halfway point, the main character confronts a group of

I appreciate what you're saying but I think one can definitely have it both ways. Todd can offer up a baffling interpretation of the underlying mechanisms behind a spoiler while preserving the generality of the said spoiler i.e. Walt finds out Hank is onto him in the first episode. 

The Period Monster

Yeah it was definitely a "I need you to believe me so I don't have to end up killing you later" I don't think 'begging' is really applicable to Heisenberg

I beg to differ.

This guys are the best bad movie podcast because every episode is essential regardless of the film selection itself. We Hate Movies tend to be more successful when they are more in their wheelhouse with an older film and a terrific impression they can latch onto, and How Did this Get Made? is really only funny when

But Paul Schrader really didn't see a movie until he was in his late teens.

This movie failed because it was too radical for you Americans. You have never accepted one of us an action star in any of your movies and by the looks of the box office returns for this film that day still won't come to pass. And yes, we do have internet connections on reservations you insensitive, yellow hided