Simon Wilder

you do realize there was a tonal shift halfway through the trailer that renders your choice of the word 'saccharine' irrelevant right? 

Hopefully this has the ol' Argo charm minus the Men Who Stare at Goat's pointlessness with a dash of Confession of a Dangerous Mind's edginess, a liberal dose of The Good Shepherd's handsome art direction, and 100% more story than Leatherheads.

"Don't call them the Cubbies!!!" (shoots terrorist in face with potato gun while comically sliding down a banister only to land on his face with a loud thud)

To be honest I'm never sure with this show, but now I can impress my non AV Club friends by loudly proclaiming before the show that Walt won't find out about Hank this episode. Thanks.

So what you're saying Todd is that in the first episode he finds out Hank is onto him. Thanks.

It's people like you who make me sick. Why does everyone here like to dog pile on something on the dubious grounds that it A) has no character arc and/or B) has no 'sympathetic' characters. What 6th grade state school graduated english teacher with a receding hairline and wispy mustache taught you all that these are

The allegory is Mexico/United States

"For me, the enormous number of times the show goes to the deus ex machinawell to move the plot along — people just happening to walk into the right place at the right time, or random new characters just happening to have a connection with people we already know — is, like it or not, a significant weakness, especially

I get that television is subjective, but how on earth do you find The Wire season 2 better than Breaking Bad 2-4. Do you have a sexual kink for longshoremen? Because that's the only logical reason I can come up with.

Interesting idea, but I don't think the show ever evolved into just featuring the occasional ironic or amusing moment. I think the undeniable gloom of some of Breaking Bad's touchstone moments (*SPOILERS* Walt watching Jane overdose, Jesse killing Gale, Walt poisoning Brock) cast a large shadow, a sort of

*SPOILERS* I think the writer was referencing the emotionally devastating moment that ended season 3 when Jesse killed Gale, not necessarily the character of Gale itself. Although, and this is convoluted, there is a certain logical chain that led to Gale being in the story which arguably could not have existed without

That joke at the end is lifted verbatim from Little Miss Sunshine

Somehow I doubt you went to high school with Steve-O and never had a conversation with anyone in the 15 years since you graduated informing you that the famous guy from Jackass overlapped with you and your friends. That's just not how celebrity, even quasi-celebrity works. The kid who played Charlie Bucket in the

"You know what they say about us, unlucky at love, lucky at cards."

There were quite a few Jim Carrey movie animated spinoffs in the 90's if I'm not mistaken, Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber, and the Mask.

But a great writer, the two usually go hand in hand

Hipsters like TV now

Wow another obnoxious class superlative best of article. This site is becoming less essential with every passing day what with Alan Sepinwall and Andy Greenwald basically covering all of television over at their respective sites and the good writers from this site leaving to cover film at the dissolve. I swear the

this is a damn fine list, i especially want to get to that hot dog book

i also miss mcgee