Simon Wilder

The comic it was based on wasn't just hardly a classic, it wasn't a classic at all. It was developed specifically with a film deal already in the can. A terrible comic, Vaughn basically jettisoned the latent racism and lame 'twist' involving Cage's character being an obsessed comic book fan who fabricated his back

"I expect updates every hour" adjusts sleep mask, rolls back to bed. Duffy has got to be the laziest asshole gangster around.

yeah they had you eating crow

The downside to your approach of waiting for trades is that you're waiting for trades. It's actually pretty fun to go to your local comic book store and pick up the single issues. You don't have to do it once a week either, I usually go every two months or so and gorge myself sick like Augustus Gloop headfirst in a

Her mid 90's run of Shakespeare in Love, Great Expectations, Emma, Seven, and Sliding Doors ranges from tolerable to winning to great.

Also just started the Shield as a methadone substitute for Breaking Bad, what a terrific pilot

Don't forget Pain and Gain!

For the sake of discussion, what actively insulted you about God Bless America. Law Abiding Citizen I get.

Walt Disney's Pinocchio

Forgot to mention Affleck and Pepper

25th Hour is an interesting movie in that it's arguably his greatest performance, but also one that was (in my opinion) retroactively rewarded kudos by film critics and movie buffs. If he had gotten the recognition he deserved back in the tail end of 2002 (after surviving the stink of The Score, Keeping the Faith, and

It's a very specific and obscure moment in film history, but in 2001 a largely forgotten film called 'The Score' was heavily promoted as featuring the three most critically acclaimed actors of their respective generations (Brando, De Niro, Norton). At the time this made a lot of sense, Norton was coming off of

I don't think Hanks and Washington would be considered of the same generation. He more came of age with Damon, Pitt, DiCaprio, Hoffman, Phoenix, Phillippe, Brody, Caviezel, Maguire, and Ulrich.

By last decade I should say from 2000-present day

Controversial opinion: Edward Norton, overrated filmography? I feel like his reputation relies heavily and overwhelmingly on the strength of two films, American History X and Fight Club. One could throw Primal Fear in there as well, but I'm not really sure well remembered that film is at all. What has this man done in

Also, a fun fact that a lot of people don't know: Spielberg is heavily rumored to have ghost directed The Poltergeist (sorry to all you Tobe Hooper fans out there!)

Is this the guy that produced a lot of Spielberg's 80's work? Damn that was a lot of money he made (I'm thinkin' Indiania Jones/Color Purple/Poltergeist money) no wonder the dude wrote a book about it

Well, later peeps!

Apparently there is a documentary out there about Francis Ford Coppola creating Apocalypse Now. It has always sounded cool when my friends have told me about it, been searching a while for it. I think it's still Apocalypse Now on the box but it says Redux after it which is kind of cool.

Heh another day, another Michael Moore apologist. It's like Ike said, when their backs are up against a wall, pinkos just can't help making stinkos.