Simon Wilder

I actually thought Loose Change was one of the more effective documentaries lately

I will rephrase my statement: I don't like documentaries like Fahrenheit 9/11. I  do like documentaries like Farenhype 9/11. There is a difference. Also documentaries like Jiro Dreams of Sushi are interesting especially when they expose problems like tuna overconsumption that I didn't know about before.

Is this the one I heard about, somethings happening to all the tuna?

Whatever. You guys are entitled to your own opinion. I just don't really prescribe to the whole "if it bleeds, it leads" media mentality like you. I tend to be a little more suspicious of all medias. Mr. Moore is no exception, wideload that he is.

Is this the one I read about, about starvation in America?

Also damn, I didn't think about this.

I know, that's the one I saw. I liked Michael Moore after I saw Fahrenheit 9/11, but then I saw FahrenHYPE 9/11 and I knew the man was a fat pompous windbag.

Didn't mean to forget about Bush, he was also a hero for having the balls to take on Saddam after his old man practically retracted his testicles back into his anus rather than taking out a mass murderer (he killed kurds, gassed em). The son is not the father hell yeah, there hasn't been a greater 'fuck you' to the

I'll be the one to say it: I hate documentaries. After seeing FahrenHYPE 9/11, I told my friend that fat boy Michael Moore can suck on my warts ridden pecker for all I care. Bush may have been crazy at times, but he was only crazy about protecting our freedoms. Obama is also pretty vigilant when it comes to terrorism,

Although his star has been waning, I still think it's a little embarrassing, but definitely not 'bad.' The Scott Baio analogy doesn't really help your case, as during his peak LaBeouf was a much bigger star than Baio ever was. I am curious as to your situation though and would love to do followup questions such as,

Massive continuity error I'd say

Last week in the Lexington office they showed a close up of Shelby asking cagily where the ex wife was holed up, followed by a medium shot of Art casually saying she was in a motel with a wave of his hand, and before he even finished the director cut to an ominous long shot of Shelby's back exiting the office. In

Labeouf does have an Emmy

I think it's more realistic to say the world is filled with people who have no idea who 'Xander' is much less how he acted circa seasons 2 and 3. Disagree if you want, but you are one of the only ones.

a.k.a. Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes

That's true, you'll be the only one to say that

This show is total ass without D.H.

This show is total ass without D.H.

Maybe the writers should go ahead and tackle the not sucking problem first

Maybe the writers should go ahead and tackle the not sucking problem first