Simon Wilder

You could throw Buffy on this list after Season 4

The first half of Heroes season one was goddamn transcendent television.

Here's hoping the show blazes out on its own path because after book three things get pretty terrible

How come Harmontown never gets a shout out it was hilarious this week

Rodman was a terrible shooter. He led the league in field goal percentage based on tip ins and dunks and put backs after offensive rebounds, not actual  jump shots or anything. He couldn't score more than a foot away from the basket. His offensive game was incredibly limited.

Dan Harmon, more like Stan Fartman. What else has this chump of a messiah achieved besides being fired from a low rated NBC sitcom and contributing a few ideas to an early rewrite of Toy Story? I will be the first to travel to Harmontown, look the mayor in the eye, and tell the emperor he is wearing no clothes. Maybe

Who would be more effective playing Bourdain in the biography, a George Clooney gone to seed or a slimmed down Paul Giamatti?

My boss told me today he thinks Netflix is trying to become the new HBO. I thought that was an interesting and rather bold statement to make, and asked him to elaborate. He then said he viewed House of Cards as their 'Oz' moment but that their next dramatic project, whatever it is, would be their Sopranos moment, that

I think Mike Myers is the name most usually associated with the gestating remake

Can someone explain to me financially how this works. If advertising space is sold before the show airs, why does the actual number of viewers really matter? Do advertisers get a partial refund if Macfarlane doesn't deliver the projected share of the 18-34 demographic?

I don't know if you can replace Cranston and meth with Billy Elliot and cabbages

A friend of mine told me the Beasts of the Southern Wild director Benh Zeitlin is adapting these stories for his followup film. Definitely considering checking out the book first.

I read somewhere this movie had a really crazy twist ending. I think maybe it was Eli 
Roth or someone who said they hadn't been that surprised since that sack jumped in Audition

And it's not a show, it's a miniseries

Actually GCI is nothing more or less than another tool in the cinematographer's toolbox albeit a rather spectacular tool, that opens unlimited possibilities for the film maker. CGI can augment the cinematographer's art but it will never replace it because the cinematographer's art is to build, using the tools, all the

and Troutmaskreplicant, blow it out your ass, your hackneyed gimmick is trite and unimaginative

Craig J. Clark, I didn't call you 'stupid' and I have resolved to never do that again on the internet. I was fascinated to read about someone who expressed desire to see a movie but was dismayed that it wasn't playing in their area in this day and age we live in. I ran through a bunch of hypotheticals before deciding

You're either too poor for cable (it's been available On Demand for two months) or too ethical to download torrents (it's been available on the Pirate Bay and other similar sites for three months). The other option is you have cable and are too dimwitted to realize its been available under your nose and/or your

I guess we'll never really know.

A friend told me the other day that Dan Harmon helped write Toy Story. I heard that and thought, I'm sorry, but that kind of talent you can't so easily replace. We're seeing the consequences now.