
The Beatles.

My name is Mark and it was extremely weird to have three characters tonight named Mark


Did anyone read her other series of books, "EVERWORLD"? Those were awesome.

MMMmmm, late period mars volta references…a bad taste.

never seen a mask like that before

Worst of all is how fucking smug it is. If it just went around being orange that would be fine, but it's all HEY. I'M ORANGE AND BETTER THAN YOU.

Is this the comment
where all of the assholes here start to say how big of a douche or dick Jim is and how bad he treats people? Cuz everyone in that office deserves a broom closet desk.

Marxist czar….jesus fucking christ.

Johnny Horton
Nathan, do you have plans to do a week on Johnny Horton? I used to listen to this old tape of his whenever i visited my grandfather when i was a kid, and when he died it reminded me to listen to him again. I love the guy, and i'd love to see what you have to say on him.

The Carbon Leaf album "Echo Echo" is pretty great for treating a hangover…did me wonders freshman year.

I listen to the morning drive show that that dumbass comes on weekly, and the hosts hate him and every single listener hates him. he works in sales at the station and fancies himself a movie critic, but he's just fucking awful.