
I'm definitely part of the 'loved him in college' cult and I think that Chuck has become the literary equivalent of a long running punk band.

If I could go back…
I'd like to be able to experience Stephen King's Dark Tower series and Twin Peaks all over again (for the first time).

Spike did a huge interview and assured everyone that he still had the final cut. I caught a test screening in 2007 and it was absolutely breathtaking. From what I understand, the movie is very much the movie I saw, except that the effects were finished and with a real score (the test screening used Arcade Fire for

Everyone knows that decapitation is the best across-the-board method for dispatching the denizens of the night. And you can't do it with a tire iron-it's really more of a socket wrench kind of job…

Just spoil the damn thing.
I'm never going to watch this, but I would like to know how it ends. Would you mind kindly spilling the beans?