Mediocre Fred

I don't know what everyone is worried about - there is a simple rule for success for this show:

I don't know what everyone is worried about - there is a simple rule for success for this show:

I feel like the "Avengers" shot in the S5 finale of Mad Men (Weiner even referred to it as his "Avengers" shot), while impressive, is the dictionary definition of "gimmicky".  You can literally see the actors walking to their marks.

I feel like the "Avengers" shot in the S5 finale of Mad Men (Weiner even referred to it as his "Avengers" shot), while impressive, is the dictionary definition of "gimmicky".  You can literally see the actors walking to their marks.

I always hate the "without a doubt" thing…I think Breaking Bad is significantly better, though I love both.  So eat that doubt and down it with a glass of "it's all subjective"!

I always hate the "without a doubt" thing…I think Breaking Bad is significantly better, though I love both.  So eat that doubt and down it with a glass of "it's all subjective"!

This guy's all heart.

It's because he's Midwestern, like me, and we are simply genetically superior.

I love how this was the first time we have seen Jean-Ralphio (I believe) since the episode before Christmas, and that they did the exact same joke as that time - and it remains the hardest I have laughed at TV, I think, ever.

Season 3 may have been a bit better, but my response to anyone who even tries to go negative on season 4 is as follows:

I think so too.

Fair enough, for the most part.  Always disliked the "you're not paying attention" argument, however; I paid attention, I heard every word said by all the characters.  We just disagree on how much "nuance" there is, I suppose.  Certainly it's more nuanced than, say, "Two and a Half Men", but that's faint praise to be

I think Todd enjoys screaming at people about this and nothing will take that away from him…but the important distinction for me is that when I watch something by Joss Whedon, or see Jeff Bridges act, I don't necessarily feel clobbered over the head with the feeling that an artist has a decidedly naive and sheltered

I've long suspected as much.  I watch Community every now and then, and like it well enough…it's a bit better than average, I guess, but it's horribly obvious way too much of the time…anyway, whenever I think about how passionate about it a lot of people online are, I always think, "I think I would have felt that way

I liked it, mainly because I kinda got a superhero/arch nemesis vibe, in that Jim needs Dwight to torment, and be tormented by, in order for him to have any real function in that office.

I like Parks and Rec better than AD, Seinfeld, or The Simpsons…not only because I think it's funnier, but because I truly love the characters, ongoing storylines, tone, and communal feel.

Ironically, one of the shows alluded to here that makes the faux-documentary style somewhat overplayed has the "interweb" thoroughly beat, I'd say…