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    If by good you mean loud, then he is all kinds of good

    Oh man the memories are coming on strongā€¦ Cool Hand Luke's ending is sad as shit, but my number one crying movie has got to be Shawshank. The end, on the beach, the embraceā€¦ tears of happiness every time

    The speech the German general gives to his captured troops at the end of Band of Brothers made me cry, even if he was a Nazi. Also the scene where they discover the concentration camp, I think it was the same episode

    hey optramark? sorry you never fucked a sorority girl! you are a fucking gdi that spends his time on a hipster dbag website! oh the irony!

    Alright whatever ya'll just said is some bullshit. The worst movie I ever saw was the wizard of oz! you know how they switched that shit from b and w to color? that was complete bs! did they not account for delicate eyes? I still cannot see to this day, my assistant reads it to me but I ignore his ass

    do you know how drunk I am and how little I care about whatever the people above me wrote? I just did some blow off your mom's nips and that shit was cut so bad I didn't enjoy it.

    I would say mine is the second time I saw Transformers

    what do you play? the leather jacket?

    I think the dead guy in clerks makes a pretty good case for himself