gus johnson gets buckets

This could be a great outlet for Midwest Hemerrhoid Treatment Center

Funny you should say that just when I thought the Newswire had become AVC's obits

I liked it better when I thought it was a stand-alone comment.

YA-MOOOO!!! Hu ha ha ha ha heeee

About time
The only thing more boring and banal than the show is the video game.

No it's not true! That's IMPOSSIBLE! (woodchuck teeth) NOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOO!!

populated by DAMN DIRTY APES

You've never seen Mad Men, and yet your avatar was made using their character maker? For shame.

So because he's real, he can't be imaginary??
Caine's logic is not unlike a zone defense — full of holes.

Make a circle people, we got ourselves a barnburner

Michael Caine tells the secret that Locke shares with Walt in Season 1 of Lost

I bless the RAINES down in Africa!

Tasteless play-by-play
Cerniglia…the JUMPER…

Taken from the Review tab in the AMCtheatres.com link
This is the ultimately inspiring yet deeply troubling tale of a man who overcame a serious and debilitating mental illness to become one of the most recognizable fashion icons of the 20th Century. Of course I'm referring to none other than Mr. Calvin Klein. Few

Rising for the JUMPER…

Turtles can't beat the TOP SPEED

Quoth the raven…

Rise and fire!