
Definitely Lolly, I want to know why she is the way she is and also just watch her and Chang hang out and talk about conspiracies, it'll be awesome.

Definitely, I love that the new work assignment has created new character pairings that you'll have to rank in a year's time.

I get that it'd be interesting, but the main reason I don't want a Healy flashback is because I don't want to have to start liking him. Understanding is okay, but liking is too far.

I know they set up a potential Maritza arc for next year, and as much as I want a flashback, I'm so worried for her.

I can take or leave Prepon - she's a good actress, but I don't find Alex particularly interesting, but if Lyonne doesn't come back I'll be annoyed.

Yep. And those jokes never get old.

Me too, and I still hope that she and Suzanne will find each other.

All I want from this life is a Time Hump Chronicles e-book, how has Netflix not realised that?

O'Neill went down in my non-existent power rankings this week when he said "Black people get everything". Just, no.

I'm still getting notifications for season six of The Good Wife, which is strange mostly because season six was not very good.

Me too. I knew that Mary Steenburgen was going to be in this season, but when I saw that she was Lady Stache, I was super excited. It's perfect casting.

At least Dr Spacemen was funny?

Aleida did some shitty things this episode, but at least Gloria called her out on it. I also like that she knows Cesar is probably sleeping around, she's not naive or idealistic.

Maybe it's because he's Canadian? I don't know, I'm 25 and not from the US so I was super confused.

There might be someone who is up to the same point as you, you never know. And we still get notifications.

This is true, but I also think that the fact that Penn takes the van out is an issue, because he can rape her outside of the prison confines. I feel horrible for typing that, I'm going to take a shower.

Wait, people rank people's tits without respecting actresses? That's a shock.

Oh, Soso was definitely less crappy than Leanne, I just take take things like that more personally than I should. Leanne had a right to her hurt feelings but not to shun Soso, and I was definitely most upset when she said that the most kind thing is to let people go because it came from a place of selfishness. That's

This is my favourite storyline of the season, and I'm really glad that she's found her place in Litchfield and that people actually respect her.

Fair enough. I like Ruby Rose enough, but she may have been overhyped. This is her first acting job, and all this hype has placed way too many expectations on her that she's not capable of fulfilling.