
I didn't watch Chuck or Damages, and I don't think those shows were mainstream enough for the Australian media. I remember reading an interview with Strahovski when she got the role on 24 last year, and now that Rose Byrne is in Spy she's pretty big. It also helps that Ruby Rose was already famous in the Australian

I'm thinking way too much about this show, but wouldn't the dirt on Pennsatucky's jumpsuit make it clear that they'd made a stop?

Yeah, Donuts is horrible. I really loved O'Neill's hatred of him and his red velvet.

It was pretty significant in Australia because the media loves it when an Australian makes it in the States (see: Dellavadova). We have a bit of an inferiority complex. I know my sister thought she was great, but she also finished the season a week ago.

Me too, until Soso made fun of her upbringing. I like that this show is willing to let any character be the bad guy for a certain amount of time until the tables turn. Soso was in the wrong but so was Leanne.

I'd love it if Suzanne started just trolling her fellow inmates. Soon she's going to plant fake spoilers all over the prison.

I forgot half of the things that happened with the tunnel last year, and I'm so glad Norma has found her calling away from Red, even if she is running a cult.

Definitely. I don't mind that she's been sent to Litchfield to kill Alex simply because I want to see more of Lolly, she's a great character.

The only reason that speech worked is because the guard told her to get off the table.

Yeah, there's been some really obvious foreshadowing this season, and it's a shame because the show has been really good at letting the audience figure this stuff out in the past, which is disappointing. I've never been an Alex fan, and this storyline isn't changing my mind in any way.

I am on no particular team at this point. I would just like to read Time Hump Chronicles - but the idea of the vaseline guy is intriguing.

No way, Team Rodcocker!

Last season I watched four episodes on the first day and then three each subsequent day until I finished. It was fine, but this way is also pretty good.

I'm liking this new post-Bennett Daya. She's actually considering the options for her child. A few weeks ago when she met with Mama Pornstache she was depressed, but now she's actually considering her options. Piper's point that they both ended up in Litchfield is the most salient. Money doesn't necessarily make you

Oh my god, I feel like I'm glowing. Am I glowing?

Same. I watched ten episodes of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt in one sitting and was super depressed for the rest of the day. The way these reviews are scheduled make it possible for me to watch the show at what I find to be a healthier pace.

Due to time differences I wake up in the morning, watch the episode and then the review is available at 9am. I really like only watching one episode a day, especially given that it was almost a year after wathcing the second season finale.

I think it has something to do with how they're introduced and what most of the other inmates call them, because that's exactly how I'd categorise those particular characters.

Yum. I just made this yesterday. It didn't turn out exactly how I would have liked (it fell apart when I took it out of the pan), but it's still delicious: http://smittenkitchen.com/b…

I've had to do that as well. I didn't know Gina's name was Gina, and I keep forgetting the name of Leanne's friend.