
Historically it had something to do with adding vinegar to cocoa which would make it red, but I've never done any actual research on it.

Yes, on carrot cake, but that had already been covered on the show. Also as much as I like carrot cake I don't have it very often, so I forget about it.

We're watching this on an episodic basis, so I'm willing to withhold judgement, but Flaca did say "I'm like the Flash with this shit", so Myles could be right.

Sometimes Netflix asks me this after I've watched a whole two episodes of a sitcom. What are you, my fitbit?

I didn't even know she was an actress until I saw an article in the local television guide a couple of weeks ago. She's well-known in Australia for being on one of the music video channels and a gay woman, and she is new to acting, so I can understand why her acting may not be perfect (even so, I'm still ridiculously

So did I, I just assumed that Chang had become the head of the Chinese mafia, but if that was the case she'd probably be in Max - I didn't really think it through.

The flashbacks didn't work well, but it was a really good episode overall. Ruby Rose is being awesome, and she's one of the few Australians I've seen on television that actually sounds Australian to me amongst all the Americans. I had real issues with Claire on Lost, but Ruby just sounds normal to me, and I'm looking

I'm not much of a red velvet fan, but cream cheese icing also belongs on cinnamon rolls and orange and poppyseed cake.

I'm on your level about Soso. I really love the short scenes she's been in this season, but it's the voice. Soso is a really interesting counterpoint to Piper. She had that strange optimism when she got in, and now she's realised prison isn't everything she thought it was going to be. Would Piper even have been able

I'm really looking to some Leanne backstory. I love that she just knew exactly what Poussey was saying and replied. Poussey was as shocked as I was.

I don't think fulfilling a destiny and having it be devastating are unrelated. She always wanted something more than what she had, and it turns out her destiny is to do exactly what her mother wanted to do.

Yeah, Maritza and Flaca were one of my favourite friendships on the show after Taystee and Poussey. Those words always hurt more from someone you care about. I put that friendship in the past tense because it's hard for a friendship to come back from something like that.

I do like the redemption arc that Pennsatucky is going through, but Leanne and Angie are still fairly one note. At this stage I don't have a problem with it, but I might if it becomes too much of a comic relief storyline. Although now that the heroin is gone from the prison, I have no idea what will happen.

Absolutely agree with everything you say. I'm currently making my way through the series for the first time, and after several frustrations with Charlie's character, I bawled through this episode, even though number #1 was obvious and I had no particular interest in Charlie and Claire. The goodbye with Hurley was the

Interesting. I figured out about Eko's investigation into Claire's psychic and that Hurley owned the box company ("Numbers" really is a pivotal episode for the whole show), which is when I started to realise that this show doesn't believe in coincidence.

I think I predicted back in either season one or two (I started watching Lost along with these reviews) that Anthony Cooper was the original Sawyer, and then when it turned out that Libby was at Santa Rosa I was convinced. I'm all in on this show, and now that I'm up to season five (SPOILERS MAYBE), I think Miles' dad

Definitely. I'm a newbie, and once I got to "The Brig" (I tried my hardest to only watch one or two episodes a week but it didn't work), the show's on another level. I'm now halfway through season five and season 4 is definitely my favourite so far, as much as I love time travel.

Peter lives is his own little privileged bubble. Sure, Alicia's privileged too, but Peter is so used to getting what he wants, and Alicia is so tired of being "the good wife" (remember last week how everyone was telling her that they liked her sticking by her husband) that she's had it, finally. Chris Noth is great,

Hi Kayla, I've enjoyed reading your reviews this season, and I know the reason you've been so harsh on it is because we all know how good it can be at its best. This season really wasn't that. Last week's episode felt like it was out of season two, which I loved when it aired, but that was four years ago, and the show

This is pretty much all I want from the show at this stage. What I find completely bizarre is that my brother still sees Sansa as she was in the first season; she's completely different now.