
I'm also really frustrated with the show right now. A critic said in a podcast last week that she has no idea what the show is any more, and I tend to agree. It's so out of character for Diane to just dump Alicia like that for a client. What was the point of RD going in there to talk to Alicia other than have Diane

I agree with you, but RD did say that he could handle a Diane scandal. In Cary's defense, he was the one sticking up for Alicia while Diane and David Lee were busy trying to steal her clients. Also voter fraud looks bad, but nowhere near as bad as having a name partner who was tried for murder.

The A.V. Club: really mean when they think a critic is too harsh, only mention it in passing if it's too easy. Grades are stupid.

I also have high hopes for Helena - she's my second favourite clone after Alison, and the poor girl is always being captured by one group or another. I too, am very excited for Team Hendricks and Alison's future career in politics.

I'm a newbie, and when I was watching (and live-tweeting) Par Avion the other day, watching Mikhail die first got a "WHAT THE FUCK" and then the next tweet was me quoting Locke; that was easily the best line of the episode.

My immediate reaction to the headline of this article is "Wait, The Following is still a show that's on television?" I found the pilot so dreadful (although I was on a 14 hour flight, which didn't improve my mood) that I never watched another episode.

When The Good Wife takes a break for a month, the last thing I want to see when they start back is another episode where they're trying to prove Colin Sweeney's innocence. Dylan Baker is great, but they've gone to that well too many times, and as much as I love this show, I find this case that has been around since

I'm going to go back and watch that scene immediately.

I love this show, and at the same time it has been incredibly hard to watch because it's so realistic. I started watching Parenthood last year, and when I was catching up, the fourth season was the hardest, not because it was bad, but because Kristina having cancer hit way too close to home for me, and despite my many

She also kissed Landry in that weird webseries thing NBC did last year. It's so weird that Riggins and Landry were themselves and Matt Lauria and Scott Porter were different characters. Whatever, I'll take it. We just needed Saracen to round it out ;)

After an unfortunate incident with ants when I was at work this week (I was bitten by a jumping jack bullant, I'm allergic to them, but not severely), I was amused to see the bizarre ant infestation themed cold open, and jealous of the fact that these New York ants aren't poisonous.

Every Kalinda/Cary scene has made me roll my eyes. I get that Cary has a thing for her, but Kalinda has said to him that she doesn't do commitment after he saw her with Lana, he's still adamant that she's his girlfriend. I would have been much more into this whole Cary possibly going to prison storyline if we didn't

On the other hand, I think Peter's now going to be obligated to give him that appointment now that Cuesta's really pissed off at him.

I have a fear that her husband is going to come back and kill her after she mentioned having contacts in Canada. I was really worried about him showing up for the entire episode.

My biggest issue with this episode was the John Hodgman stuff. It gave Hannah Dunne some good moments, but it would have been better if he was just this kind rich man who supported Hayley.

My hope is that Wallace Shawn will be brought back as a soloist just so his appearance wasn't wasted. They've left an opportunity for that, but I could just be naive.

I've just watched the first three episodes of this show and I'm enjoying it so far - why hasn't this existed before? I sing in a church choir and our new musical director starts next week, so even though my stakes are much lower, this all seems relevant to me.

I thought that in order to be able to question Kalinda, Geneva was required to speak in some sort of court code, and it was up to the jurors to figure it out, and juror number 12 was able to, which is why he helped the other guy. The hearing problems make much more sense.

I think Diane's deconstructed chain counts as a chain because there was a link. At least that's what I choose to believe.

I've gone back and forth on this Cary storyline throughout the season - I thought it started strong, but then we got bogged down in the Kalinda and Cary relationship, which I don't find particularly interesting. But tonight was so good, and all I wanted to happen was for Alicia and Cary to hug, and I was so happy but