
That's fair enough, and that would definitely make for a more interesting storyline than if it was an election campaign scandal.

The actual Opposition Research meeting was my favourite part of the episode because of the chaos and the ridiculousness of talking about Owen's lover when Grace's church group was singing (seriously, their harmonies were great). What it reminded me most of was the season 2 episode, "Nine Hours", in which Alicia is

I'm so sad that she's no longer allowed to be sarcastic because she's running for office.

Yes! They teach Eli's delightful daughter how to become one of them. I want this show so much.

It would make sense as a storyline as part of the election, but once again it's one of those things that would have surely come up in opposition research before. Maybe Eli's expression is related to how he was blindsided by Kalinda and he doesn't want that to happen again.

Same! I was hoping it would all take place at the table but then we had to have the bit where Alicia told her family and friends and clients she was running for office, and we saw how it would affect them.

This is one of the things I don't miss about working in retail. Those mothers are just indulgent and buy their children nice things so they stop doing what they're doing, so the children learn that if they run around being horrible they'll get presents. Luckily our shop wasn't big enough for any child to cause that

Poor Owen. He and Nissa definitely got the worst out of Alicia's decision to run.

I was kind of over Darkness at Noon, but then Talking at Noon became a thing and I was sold.

That monologue she made about how her life had changed since moving to Chicago from Highland Park (and of course the reasons for those changes) was one of the best moments of the episode.

I know! No wonder she was crying all the time after Zach broke up with her last year. She went through some really difficult stuff.

I would like to agree with you, but then again Modern Family still beat OITNB.

I'm going to miss you too Sonia. You've been my favourite writer at AVC since your fantastic review of "Red Team, Blue Team" and I was so happy when you picked up The Good Wife beat. But also congratulations on the new job and best of luck.

He is the worst. He spends all this time trying to convince Zeek to get the surgery and then convincing himself that his father's going to die anyway. And he can't stand being the only miserable one so he has to go and make Crosby feel like shit. Distract yourself like the rest of your siblings and pretend that it

My dad had a surgery that wasn't remotely similar, but I remember what it was like waiting for the news to say that it had gone well. This show nails the emotional beats of what surgery is like for family members.

I feel the same way. I actually preferred this episode to the first two because of the character work that was done. I like that the writers aren't forgetting about the shit that Abbie and Jenny went through and this episode proves that there's good material there.

This is what I kept saying earlier this year because all the Lemond Bishop episodes would air right after I finished another season of The Wire. When that witness in Bishop's crew was murdered it gave me Wallace flashbacks. Not that it was as tragic, because I can't even remember silver teeth's name and he wasn't a

Ugh, the fight they had at the end of last season was reminiscent of all the worst Will and Diane fights. Let's just focus on the hugging for now.

"Diane Lockhart is one classy bitch" - what I tweeted when I finished watching the episode and that is absolutely a compliment because the way they all walked out of there was the best. Also does this mean that Taye Diggs is sticking around for a while? I like that.

I loved the look on her face when she asked if she could hear the heartbeat again. She's keeping that baby for sure.