
I don't want F/A to dissolve, I can see it just becoming Diane's new firm if Alicia's running for office and Cary's in jail. As much as I loved the episode, I think they might be blowing up the status quo again a bit too quickly.

I want to know how Nick and Schmidt's sleeping arrangement works if Schmidt's bringing girls home all the time.

I've had Schmidt issues throughout the series. He's never been my favourite character and I didn't like how heavily they leaned on Greenfield in the first season, but I've always appreciated his friendship with Jess. I don't think Schmidt was used particularly well last season and this episode just demonstrated how he

They kissed in Parking Spot and immediately regretted it, which I just loved because it perfectly encapsulated the nature of their relationship.

I was completely against her running back in May, but I'm warming to it now. I hope this isn't the last season, I think the creators have a seven year plan for the show and my fingers are crossed for CBS to renew it.

I'm so happy The Good Wife is back, it's definitely my favourite show on television. So happy Cary has a storyline, and that he got to take his shirt off. But my immediate reaction was "this is what convinces Alicia that she needs to run for office", and I'm still not sure whether I want her to run or not.

Absolutely, which is why Alicia can't run for State's Attorney.

The kitchen table scenes are also my favourite part of The Fosters. I particularly liked this week when Callie and Stef both mocked Mariana in the same way, which was bookended nicely with their scene at the end. Teri Polo's performance in this episode was fantastic, she had a lot of beats to play and sold them all.

I was complaining after last week about the lack of Hurley flashbacks so far. And it turns out that "Numbers" is the only episode of season 1 I actually saw other than the first half of the pilot in a cable rerun. It was enjoyable the second time around now that I'm more aware of what's happening, but "…In

I'm a newbie and I watched this episode for the first time yesterday and I was really upset about the discman.

We call it "I Never" in Australia. I had things to say yesterday when I watched these episodes but I was mostly annoyed that there haven't been any Hurley episodes yet. Probably because the first Hurley episode was one of the only ones I saw when the show originally aired. But at least Sawyer and Charlie are more

My ex-boyfriend always said "math" instead of "maths", but I assumed that was a Queensland thing (Sorry if you're from Queensland). I'm a newbie, so at least I'm prepared to be 100% frustrated about this accented baby name.

As a newbie, it's good to know that this was a lull period because particularly with the second episode, it felt really procedural with the island providing a scenario that would help fix Michael and Walt's relationship. Or start to repair it.

I'm pretty much a Lost newbie, because I've only seen about four episodes including the first half of the pilot. I was interested in the show but no one in my family seemed to care that much, which made it difficult to keep up.

I'm two years younger than Parker Young and I am a fan of both Bill Cosby and Donkey Kong. I really don't know what's wrong with him. But that gag where he caught the jar of something and then knocked an entire display over was my biggest laugh of the night, so I forgive him.

Parker Young needs to do a guest stint on The Middle as Sue's boyfriend. They will be the most enthusiastic couple ever.

I loved this show so much as a child. My favourite was Sailor Jupiter because of the green and her hair was the same as mine, but I didn't really think thunder was the best of the powers, so I was a bit conflicted. But I think I wanted to be Sailor Moon the most because she was a princess AND because she got Tuxedo

I loved Sailor Jupiter because she had the same hair as me and because my favourite colour was green at the time. The cats were also the best and I was completely in love with Tuxedo Mask.

In Australia we had "Cheez TV", which was on every weekday morning before school, which was how I got most of my anime before we got cable. At 7 there was Digimon, followed by Pokemon at 7:30 and Dragon Ball Z at 8. They changed it up occasionnally, so Sailor Moon was at 8 when they ran out of Dragon Ball Z.

Yeah, this is how I try to justify Julie and Landry being sophomores but not graduating until season 4.