
In Australia we get the morning events live in the evening. I have no idea what we're watching live half the time because they like to replay the events in which Australians competed because we were most likely asleep during the live broadcast.

When Peter Costello resigned from Parliament, one of the candidates for the by-election was an independent whose policy platform was to build a bridge across the Tasman. He was by far the most interesting of the candidates. If only he'd been elected, we could have had this adaptation.

That makes perfect sense. Which is why (as in the book), Knightley is the needed foil to Emma's plans, and it's also good that when Annie found out what Emma did, she confronted her. She was let off the hook quite easily though. I think the new arc of Emma doubting herself should be interesting, particularly now that

Lydia's overall arc was what elevated this show from very good to great for me. I was well into it before the Wickham arc, but Episode 87, which I watched on my half hour lunch break at work was the best episode of the show. Clements, Wiles and the writing were all so good - and the show earned that moment because it

I agree. Emma doesn't necessarily come off well, but for people who have read the book, I think it's a great adaptation of the character. I told a family friend that I was reading the novel, and she just said "God, she's annoying".

This is definitely the most I've laughed watching this show, I loved it. Especially the Icarus joke.

It was a strange trip weather wise. A week after experiencing the polar vortex (and the first time I experienced real snow - I was very excited and took lots of photos in the snow), California was ridiculously hot.

Seahawks by 4. Only don't trust me on that, I just spent 5 weeks in the States and no matter how hard I tried, I can't understand football. I thought Friday Night Lights gave me a basic understanding but it didn't. I'm going to watch the game, but we don't get the commercials…

10:30 am Australian Eastern Daylight Time.

Anything good is on the ABC which also happens to be the only network investing in scripted comedy. I always forget about SBS though. I had no idea there was a third series, I thought that the long break between the first two meant that there wouldn't be any more.

I think this show could be really good as well. I only saw the first four episodes last weekend on a 12 hour flight (I watched a lot of things, I wasn't able to sleep), but I laughed a lot more than I was expecting to, and I'm looking forward to catching up.

I love it a lot. I didn't see it until after five episodes aired here in Australia. I'm really happyt Pivot is helping with the production costs, because it's a program on our publically funded network, which now has less funding thanks to the new government.

Please Like Me is great - the adults are really great characters as well as Josh and company, and Debra Lawrence, who played Josh's mum gave the standout performance of the season.

Yes, what I really wanted from the finale of Girls was for Marnie and Hannah to be best friends again because it's the core relationship of the show. I think that they both want to be, but they're too proud to apologise to one another.

A friend and I more or less had this conversation about the end of season two earlier tonight. Those middle episodes were so good, and I have no idea what happened with those last two. I didn't have as much as a problem with the OCD thing as much as other people did, it was the romantic comedy ending in the finale

Yeah, that was the Season 2 poster/DVD cover. I think framing it as Alicia's independence is a good way to look at it. I'm a huge Will/Alicia shipper, but I don't want her to be with Will as much as I don't want her to be with Peter. And when Cary was telling Alicia that she would never get out from under Will even if

I go back and forth on whether I would want Kalinda's husband to be found dead somewhere. I honestly like that the writers realised that the storyline needed to end, but Kalinda having (possibly) murdered her husband could potentially be interesting, but may also fit better into the Scandal universe (which I also

It was fantastic and hilarious. My mum was there when I was watching "Peace of Mind" and when Colt came on the screen she said 'He looks like Gerard Depardieu', which retroactively put that scene into perspective.

Justified is the show I decided to get caught up on over the last six months, and I finished the fourth season just last week. Definitely worth it. There's good character drama, and it's one of the most entertaining shows I've seen this year. It's a lot of fun, and I'm really looking forward to the start of season

I went to see it with my older sister and my mum when I was 13. After it ended, mum said that I was too young for the film. I got her the DVD for Christmas one year and watching it has become a family tradition, even after my sister's moved away from home.