
I have a flight from New Zealand to San Fransisco in a week and I plan on marathoning it. I watched the first three episodes and then my family kept forgetting to record it because it was on Friday nights on an obscure cable channel in Australia during summer. On reflection I think I might have seen about two thirds

She does seem to be a crazy phantom. I was fairly sure that Wil's brainstorm took place at Lockhart/Gardner and then she said come to bed, so I guess it was at his apartment? I have no idea any more.

A. I couldn't care less about the Irish lawyer, but there was enough other stuff going on that it didn't matter.

Yes. I'm not in America, but my work is open Christmas morning and I think I've worked the past three or four Christmases (I lost track), so I'm excited to have this year off. I can't even imagine what working on Black Friday would be like.

That show could alternatively be titled 'Things People Working in Retail Wish They Could Say To Customers'.

Yeah, that was a bit much. But I think this entire thing with Will's impulsive decision and Boyle's mysterious past is set up for Kalinda to discover something about him that will cause trouble for Lockhart Gardner. It may seem obvious but the writers are capable of pulling something like that off. The thing I like

I seem to be the only one who wasn't getting Blake/husband vibes from him. He was kind of flirty but I think he was just used to being able to charm women. That could just be wishful thinking on my part though.

I like that Will has finally made a decision that probably won't be a good one because he's impulsive. Lockhart/Gardner has been winning all the battles against Florrick/Agos so far client wise, and it's good to see that when Will gets impulsive he makes mistakes.

I give it a B+. It had a fun yet slightly ridiculous case of the week and the Jackie storyline was good, which is all I need from an episode of TGW.

I never saw that one but I always heard good things about it. Since there are two episodes available on iview I'm going to watch it after lunch.

I can completely understand that - if this had aired six months ago I probably would have said the same thing because all I could watch at the time were shows that made me forget what was happening in my life rather than remind me of it. You might be able to watch it in the future though, because right now I'm looking

As an Australian who doesn't particulary find Lilley's work that funny, I still think it's a fairly niche sense of humour. Summer Heights High was a huge hit and I was in high school at the time so literally everyone watched it. They also used the children at Brighton High for extras and minor parts and one girl who

On the TV Club Main Page where it has most recent reviews and reviews by page, there's a third tab that says 'more', and it has a more up to date list of TV reviews on another page.

It's okay, I managed to find the review anyway (I just wanted to read things instead of doing an assignment), and I've found the tweets to be incredibly useful over the past couple of days.

I just keep checking Tweets from TV Club. But the one for Mom linked to the second episode review for Almost Human.

Ugh, I hated both Peeta and Gale, so I retroactively decided to be on Team Cinna.

Yeah, I had a problem with that. They fired him in episode 4 because he was feeding information to the lawyer that was suing him, so why would you want him back let alone offer him a partnership?

Yeah that made no sense to me, but I also can't believe that Peter would have been elected Governor. I'm hoping the whole vote tampering thing comes up again.

I don't know if you've read this article by Linda Holmes, but if you haven't you'll love it. This goes for all Fitz haters: http://www.npr.org/blogs/mo…

I was a Quinn defender for a little while, but I've decided her stuff is my least favourite the show has ever done. I never liked Harrison, but he is no longer at the bottom of my list when it comes to characters.