
Season 4 took off after Red Team, Blue Team even though the first half was awful. What I really like about it is that the writers admitted that it was their fault once they realised it wasn't working, and the turnaround after Kalinda's husband disappeared is the best course correction I've seen.

I really do want David Sims to review The O.C. I have no idea what it would be like, but I'm intrigued.

That's what I thought, because it goes back to the discussion Alicia had with Grace about trying on her clothes, and it looked like there was a shot of Grace in Alicia's room.

Yeah, it would mean that she wouldn't be doing intelligence work. If it turns into another story about how this work takes its toll on officers, I'd really like that. Because I don't think it's a coincidence that Carrie's single and all this Saul stuff is happening with Mira. They don't have a child (that we know of ,

Interesting. I haven't seen Mulholland Drive (my film knowledge is severely lacking, which my friends point out to me all the time), but all I remember is how offputting she was in In Treatment and just assumed that was because she got her big break on an Australian soap.

Because I have to wait about 6 hours before the show airs in Australia I found out about this way before I saw it, and knowing it beforehand actually improved my viewing experience. Pregnancy storylines are my second least favourite thing and I didn't really mind.

There's always someone (I want to like that comment a million times).

I think the problem with Melissa George is that because she's pretty she keeps getting cast in these "seductress" (couldn't think of a better word) type roles. She was fantastic in the Australian miniseries The Slap. All the characters were pretty horrible people, but if they weren't there wouldn't have been any story.

I'm really surprised David didn't say anything about that.

And here I thought the pregnancy storyline would belong to Dana. It's still possible, but maybe less likely now?

At least there was shirtless Scott Foley later on to make up for it.

I have no idea! I was touched when I first saw it, but then the cynic in me took over. I think I really just want to see more of Mellie vs Fitz and there hasn't really been much of it at all since the premiere.

As soon as I heard that Fitz may have shot down a passenger plane, I nearly laughed because that was pretty much the only twist I will ever predict on this show.

Toni Collette lost the faith of the Australian public when she did an ad that was supposed to be about optimism and it turned out to be for a big bank, which is pretty much the most obvious 'I'm doing it for the paycheck' role ever.

Well that sucks, I hope he stays in the television business.

This is going to be on Channel 10 in Australia, so the 'original version' is probably going to get cancelled really quickly because no one watches that channel anymore outside of the never ending Modern Family reruns.

As a huge Will/Alicia shipper, I think that I will just adopt this interpretation of events.

I love this show, and I don't really have anything new to add to the conversation. I just wanted to put that out there because not enough people watch it and I would use this episode to convince people.

Thanks for the scene-by-scene breakdown, I can't seem to find it online. Owen! This show is so good right now and Owen is pretty much my favourite recurring non-lawyer character, so I'm really happy.

The writers said on Twitter (thanks to whoever directed me to it a couple of weeks ago) that they planned to do it last year and are just sticking it in there for fun. I didn't even notice it in the premiere.