
I assumed that she gave the gavel back in order to be invited to the Governor's Ball, and that's why she was talking to Grace about it, but that could be entirely wrong. Even if that's true, it's really weird.

I'm definitely rooting for Mellie. I kind of hated her before but appreciated that Bellamy Young was amazing, but she's just so much fun.

It's really frustrating because I liked her both on this and New Girl. Although they seem to have wrapped up her arc on New Girl unless she decides to take her cat back.

I think it's entirely possible that the reason Harrison is my least favourite character (and character is stretching it) is because of his obsession with this gladiators idea. It's so boring.

I'm so resigned to it, I'm just trying to get my way through the next three years, but everyone on my news feed is crying the end of the world. But it's going to be really difficult to find a job.

Only eight.

It's open to international residents.

Ugh, Abbott. We all knew it was going to happen but couldn't handle it when it actually did. His smile is enough to put me off, I couldn't handle actually meeting him.

He was on a TV show here in Australia and when he gets stressed out he messes with his hair (he also can't sit still). It was interesting watching the show and seeing how his hair changed throughout.

I think Sonya made it as clear as possible to Gus that nothing was going to happen.

Ray yelling "MOTHER OF PEARL!" while dragging the guns through the tunnel cracked me up. The delivery was perfect.


Suzanne's line at the end is pretty much the funniest moment for me. I think it's mainly due to her delivery.

This is the one show I really wanted to get renewed. I would have been fine with Parks and Rec or Community cancellations - they each got a few good years, Bunheads only got one.

I know, the same thing happened to me, and I was the person who thought it had been cancelled when I got a notification for Carrie's Emmy article.

Camp America? Quite a few people I know went to work there while taking a break from studies.

This is what I keep hearing, and as an Australian I have a strange desire to see it. The really weird thing is that not very many people go to summer camp in Australia - I don't know anyone who has ever been to one, but I'm sure some people do, probably kids with rich parents who don't take them overseas. I guess it

I wish I was more optimistic, but I get more worried every day - of all the shows I watch that were in danger of cancellation at the end of last season, this is the one I care about the most.

My favourite is the other Sasha number to 'You, Sailor'. I never got into the They Might Be Giants number as much as everyone else.

My first thought was "Oh god, it's been cancelled", but I would love it if Bunheads even got nominated. If it won I wouldn't even care as much about other categories.