
Lupe's, maybe salsa?

For muah ha ha.

They have all failed on some level.

Another mysterious clue?

. Price's soliloquy about power and domination. The utter ugly arrogance of the man. Pinky and Brain came to mind. A truly hideous character among many.
. Joanna's minion. Another imaginary character? So many hallucinations. I think it might be her.
. Darlene/Cisco??? The way she bashed him with the bat a couple of

Not my style.

I'm going to do a second viewing with a note book before I post any comments. A weird (par) and somewhat confounding episode.

Attempt at shallow cash grab.

As in Nichols and May?

I hadn't, Box was on the fence from the beginning , but with retirement looming, just get a quick closure.

My thoughts on the finale.
I started yelling at the TV for Stone to go get the kitty and then the very last shot is so kitty, apparently free to roam about the apt. At least someone got a happy ending.
I could have strangled both Naz and Chandra where the dope was concerned.
Glad Naz got to go home but he's mightily

I've held off on posting 'til now, 'cause I have to say I really didn't care much for this episode. The ugly really came out for the women (thanks, Sam) and they all hit it out of the ball park. Darlene has committed two murders, Angela shows herself to be a really arrogantly cold bitch (she's been working up to that

The more plausible side.

I love the speculations and the theories people come up with, some are downright ridiculous and others are quite plausible and offer food for thought. I don't think Box is going to have a clean 'get away' here either.

A thousand and one likes.

Mrs. Weiss is not only reaching but she's preaching. She said she'd been at her job for more than 30 years. Too long, you can lose your sense of humanity.

That's exactly the point.

Oh no.

Cannabis? or opiates?

Kitty may be the only one, I hope.