
I missed that.

Oh, Naz, what have you done! You may be innocent of Andrea's murder but you've let yourself become an accomplice to a jail house killing. Sigh.
I so hurt for his mother, the rest of the family too, but especially her.
I have to question Naz's smoking whatever it is that he is smoking, He has asthma. I would think he

I would have to wonder if the dog thing could have him sitting around in jail for all this time. Seems excessive.

As I posted above, why is he in jail.

Hasn't he been on "The Night Of" too?

It was pretty certain that Elliot was institutionalized, now we know where, but why?
What has he been actually charged with to get him into jail?

those quirky-girl-fixes-dorky-boy-and-makes-him-a-man stories,……………does anybody really ever watch those?

But will you be watching the last two episodes though?

He has tried to give the kitty away more than once. No takers. Does not bode well for kitty. Buh!

That makes actual sense. Dreaming of being the great sleuth, Sherlock Holmes.


One can wish, but there is very little to be optimistic about with The Night Of.

Going back to re watch 1st episode.

Something positive for that poor woman, but I think she's going to get another heaping round of heartache.

It is odd that the daughter would get the house. Husband is next in line…. kids are after.
Box will think it's odd, too.

The nothing that the Dwayne Reid chase turned out to be aside, I think that Stone doesn't see Chandra weak or incapable, just a newbie where 'street smarts' are concerned and needs education and guidance.

Can't be. Box would have been long retired before a year had passed.

At the same time I did give him credit for cleaning it, being a novice cat owner.

Jury selection was implied with the bar conversation and the brief scene in the juror's waiting area. Bored, disinterested and indifferent. Jury was culled from that pool.

Creepy mortuary guy is right about one thing: Naz was Andrea's 'ball of yarn'.