choke bunny

On how may screens?
Something I've always wondered abt, and maybe, just maybe, I'll get a real answer. Whathtefuck does something such as 'opened strong with $18,999 per screen on nine screens for a total of $170,000.' mean? It cracks me up to think of this movie being only available on nine movie screens in the whole

Is 'Leon' what 'The Professional' is called in other countries or something? Werent the two main characters in The Professional named Leon and Mathida? (I could just be completely confused abt all this, of course.)

HaHa! Is Frank West really in this? Does he lumber around like a gimpy Frankenstein in this game, too?

These motherfuckers sure are persistent, I'll give 'em that…

Game of the Year!
Ive never played this game and never will, but it cracks me up that there's a review for it here. I mean, if this is your type of thing, are you really the type of person who gives a shit about video game reviews? "A 'C,' eh? Well, good enough - at least it'll hold me over until 'Make a Sandwich 4:

Da da da, da Dahhhhhh!!! Hey Papi.
So, I'm pretty sure I'm just shouting into the void here — but I read in the paper today that Shawn Ryan is the new showrunner on this show, and that like six of The Shield actors will show up in an upcoming episode. I wonder if anyone else saw that, and somehow found their way to

I love these and find myself oddly compelled to comment on them. The phrase 'Service is our Lift' both delights and confuses me.

And advance wish you a merry Christmas, too, Tiny Tina. ADVANCE WISH A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!

When I'm not busy fucking, I post lots of words about video games on the internet
So, for whatever its worth (nothing) I used to review games for a living, I've played a shit load of video games in my life, and I think Borderlands is super innovative, and easily one of the best games of the year. I mean, yeah, every