
I was confused about the stray observation stating that the burning wheat was irrelevant.without it Kings Landing starves.

Cersei got the gold but will starve hey but at least a Lannister paid their debt.

Who told Euron of Danys plans Dany has a Judas

It amazes me people think they know others culture mental illness is stigmatized in black communities especially in the South the show got it right.

The camera focused on the cabdriver while Cookie is on the phone he will be her demise.

The episode was fantastic it is nice to see the writers progressing the story instead of just making up stuff as they go a guaranteed show killer but that being said I was disturbed to see Monrosalee killing I mean will the taste of blood negate his veganism or his wesen religion.

Does everybody realize that Bianca Raja and a couple others are Rupauls close personnal friends? Darienne is Pandora Boxx drag mother one of Rus most popular queens Ru is loyal to her friends Michelle Visage rxactly what is her purpose

I don't think anyone would buy Nastyashas cookbook Luca was a obvious choice more money to be madee with his boyish charm plus he can cook. Go Luca!

Exactly Johnny is the kid wanting his parents back together and Mike sure is naive considering he did so well at the academy he should have been on to Briggs by now

1,Why were two federal agents in plain sight in a prison visiting area?
2,I will bet a hundred doughnuts Briggs finds that car first

Godric will probably save Eric

That's right

Didnt Eric glamor Alcide away from the Sookie Nookie? One more thing Jason is just pathetic

Grimm and True Blood going the zombie route we are in for walking dead overload the time jump changed the whole show set up so what now smh One more thing everybody thinks Pam is going to save Eric how its daylight

The prices quoted for those Wal Mart baskets were complete and utter BS

Stephen Kings works rately come across when adapted to the screen I would be in full panic mode right now.I still dont understand why the out of towners are not going apeshit confusing

If Ben is Warlow wouldn't Niall know it he has chased him for a millenia also its the third episode and Lala has no storyline just hanging around is he the character to die this season?

It reminded me of. Storm of the Century give me what I want and I'll. go away

It reminds me of the series about the storm give me what I want and I'll go away