
I was almost tempted to watch it JUST TO GET AWAY FROM THE NBC ANNOUNCER GUY!!!!! Man, that voice! I started muting Grimm's entrances and exits (whatever they're called) because of that voice! So, I watched The Blacklist and muting every time it went to commercial, just in case.

Castle does not get better it always gets worse. I've stopped watching.

I think I saw this but can't remember when or where. Certainly would like to watch it 'again (?).

I will read this because it's Stephen King and I always read Steven King's stuff.

Watched it. Pretty awful.

I've watched he 1st 6 eps. I went to Wiki to read the ending. I just couldn't watch more, it is a mess!

Why can't we call it the Hawke version?


That annoys me so much I turn it off immediately!

Come on!

Just shut up already! I liked the finale, a lot!

I thought I missed something!

I haven't watched this show in years but I certainly don't hate it! Another show must have come along that I liked better.

Thank you!


Or remove the hecklers and refund their money. Friends saw him in Phila. recently and LOVED the show. Must have been a "heckle free" concert.

HAhahaha! I've see every film version, from the thirties to the Crow. The Crow version was the only one that SUCKED! I don't put the blame solely on him,

she is a brilliant actress and a true beauty. White (something. a flower name) was not a starring role, but every moment she was on the screen I was mesmerized.

Les Miserables? Nah!

Well, go to zazzle (huh) like @avclub-8b16eaa4d4083ae931b11643c01543d2:disqus did and make your own!