
There's only so much "bleak" I can take.

There you go.

Dear lord! I'm in!


Are you kidding me! Fassbender and the, you know, the actor from  citizen kane are the best in that role.

I need to watch this movie!

Don't know. Just repeating what he said.

WOW, WOW! What a photo!

Watched one ep. Not horrible, just not worth looking for it again, Didn't even know it aired on Fri.


Never saw the original, but Tommy Lee is a genius!

I read recently that VD said if it wasn't for Riddick he would have been homeless. Wow, good for him to be successful, I've never seen any of the Riddick movies.

I want to see more of Mike's ability to recall everything.

Everyone is outa their frigging minds! I need to find something else to do, like go back to normal life!

@avclub-1e850f6bef0bc36ca1f64e95ff1cbd2e:disqus Did not mean THE shit.

It is very interesting. The kind of show you have to actually, physically watch AND listen to.

No, not a festering wound.

You watch TV while you're supposed to be working?  You're a shit!

Matt Boomer can't save White Collar. I stopped watching after season one.

Piss off!