
Wow! You understand completely. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm impressed!

My first lol today!

It's not a dome, it's a force force field. Ha! Gotta start watching this show morw than ever other week!

On A Pale Horse, that's it.

Everyone oozes wit and charm.

I never realized it before but that's exactly what happens to me!

My mom's friend needed hearing aids at 55. He was an extreme headphone user!

An intelligent voice.

HOLY, HOLY SHIT! tread lightly!

Wow! I wish!


Doctor Who………Hmmmmm

That's ok, no one does.

HaHaHa! Another Blackpool fan? Was that the name of that show? I'm getting foggy.

I agree. Watched ep on OD last week. I'm a Tennant fan but so far the other actors are making a bigger impression on me. I'll watch it!

I've never seen The Simpsons and I want all of them, too!

He's doing pretty good considering he started out shooting music videos. He demands attention when he speaks!

Love that man. He is excellent.! Kinda surprised, he's old and not good looking. I will watch, I just won;t fall in love.


I have a certain fondness for books, they make me feel cozy. Yes, cozy!