

I finally finished watching season one. I like this show.

I worked at a large, prestigious law firm in Phila. We weren't even permitted to wear slacks. Low cut tops? Wear them, you're gone!

I can't imagine reading an interview and the subject answers with "dead-funny one liner(s)". Just saying.


I want the Indiana Jones hat!!!

I didn't think of that. Ty!

I cannot remember why Harvey is angry with Mike!!! I KNOW. I KNOW! Can't find answer anywhere and OD does not have last season. Please help!

he's an asshole.

No thank you.

I agree with her. The world is mean!

Yes, and I am just thrilled! love this show!

I'll drop back in tomorrow. It's too late to read this huge article.

"Dickishness" . I will use that word!

Idris Elba fantastic in everything, always.

Darcy is sexy, Firth is sexy. Firth as Darcy, lordy, lordy..

I'll give this show more time. It has potential.

I miss Enlightened……


This disgusting act is not the first time someone has tried this, WAY before BB was aired.