
How does he earn money?

Great actor, great prick.

I hate this show! Haven't watched since November.

I watched this alone and laughed out loud! Wish I had someone watching it with me!

Sorry to see it go. Great cast, fascinating premise.

Just keeps getting better and better!

Total POS show.

The same thing. I watched the 1st ep then watched this. It's just sad.

over 100 comments and no one mentions how blue reese's eyes are.

She had a long coat on. Emily made her take it off in the Headmaster's office!


Thank you. WTF, Ripper is very good.

ME!!! I love it there! As far as the alleged infringement, maybe I should care, but I don't give a shit!

The article made me laugh (out loud). Now, that's reasonable.

I also own the DVDs. I love every episode, every line, every word! I've been told I'm obsessed and I get some eye rolling but I don't give even a tiny shit!

I tried, I really tried….

Yes,yes ,yes, yes, yes…. and yes!

bye, bye community! so sad!

Brilliant article! I bookmarked it to read it again and again and to share it, thanks.

I love that she was barefoot.