
Yes, damn brilliant!


Can't deal with new Lily.Be careful what you ask for.

I looooove this show!

Robin Wright is so gorgeous.

Thank you! I agree completely!

I won't watch any 'behind the scenes' or 'how it was made' shows. Ruins the movie for me.

First they cancelled Mistresses, then Being Human and now The Hour.

there really is a band named pissed jeans? Lordy, lordy.

i hate cartoons!

Me too!


I loved this ep. Hit me in the heart.

If a person watched  for the first time I'm sure they would have wondered what the fuss was all about. Strange ep.

Yeah, what the…..????

Great revew!

I just bought a "I Love Mr. Darcy" keychain.

I only made it through the first 30 minutes.

I love that every storyline had food happening.

The teacher winning the trip reminded me of Doctor Who, School Reunion, the teacher wins the lottery so Tennant can sub,