Sea of Pink

I lurk on here all the time but rarely post.

Mine as well.  I had tickets for the tour with Rage that got cancelled in 2000 (?).  Now I will always regret not seeing them.

I did the same exact thing on Thursday (looking up 2012 HOF back up bands for my trivia team).  I thought he was just maybe laying low for a while. What a gut punch.

Can ZMF please get a black frame around his comments? He's practically family!

This show was a million times better than last week. My new favorite skit is "What's Up With That?" The only thing I've ever seen JGL in was 10 Things I Hate About You so I was quite impressed with him.

I actually rewound the gnome wink to make sure I had really seen it. I only wish I lived near Atlanta so I could eat at his restaurant.

Two weeks?
I can't believe we have to wait two weeks for the next episode. And the return of Lyla (not sure why she's coming back for the funeral of Saracen's dad, has she ever even spoke to Saracen before?)

Yeah she's definitely looking pregnant again. I, again, like how Lily always makes comments about how hot Robin is.

Random Thoughts
I'm already tired (and fast forwarding through) the Saracen storyline. I love him but he is a crappy artist. So I don't know or care if Sherman is imparting great wisdom to him.

When I started watching this show, I always thought of him as some long-haired loser ne'er-do'well. But he really grew on me as the show progressed. I've been rewatching season 1 and he really has been a stand-up guy from the beginning. He is definitely my favorite character on the show.

I loved your fake suicide, Tim! I love the fact that he always has some sarcastic one-liners in there.

No one recognizes her as Michelle's annoying friend with the sassy one-liners from Full House? Seriously? That's how I will always remember her.

She looks pretty horrible. I didn't recognize her at all, even when I knew it was her.

I thought this was an okay episode. Quinn's screeching really got to me and her refusal to acknowledge the chemistry between her and Puck (and cut Finn loose) is irritating. But what really turned this episode around for me is the scene with Sue and her sister. It humanized Sue. I still love her wacky one-liners

I don't understand what the big fuss is about Finn. Puck is fucking hot. And Quinn quite obviously likes him so let Finn and Rachel be together! (although I thought Puck and Rachel were good together too.) Mark Salling does have ridiculous chemistry.

I just wish Jen would put some conditioner on her hair!

Yeah, I have never heard her sing well live. I do give her credit for writing her own songs though.

Wow, the pressure…
Random thoughts:

Yeah I didn't understand why Eli had to leave after an hour in the kitchen. What did he have to do for the remaining two hours? He didn't have to decorate or anything! And I am glad they took that part out!

And you can't become a citizen just by marrying someone, contrary to popular belief. My SIL is still a German citizen even though she married an American four years ago.