
How long does this blood last?

What with them fancy computers they got over in Asia, I wouldn't even trust the Siamese twin incest porn. Unless you're talking about real old-school Thai incest porn. That shit was legit.

She was 16. That's pretty lowe.

Also better than Robert Lowe, 1st Viscount Sherbrooke (1811-1892).

Holy shit
Rob Fucking Lowe. How about that?

McAron. You're welcome, McDonald's.

Babelfish fucked you again, T-Bone.

Hey that's a top-shelf firstie. No canceraids or fire for you. Victory.

One k dude, and I kind of like it here.

Minority Report isn't great, but don't compare it to Boondock Saints. Spielberg could sleepwalk through a movie (which he may very well have done with MR) and it would still be on a level Troy Duffy masturbates about. Garden State, now that deserves comparison to Boondock Saints.

I'll wager Temple Grandin is behind this.

Nice to finally see some solid parenting around here. I'm talking about GLuts father.

Now it's gone anyway. "I once knew a gentleman…" Come on. How did you know him? Was he your neighbor? Did your girlfriend once count him among her pupils when she was, maybe, a student-teacher? You can erase your error but you can't erase all of our posts. Well, it would take you a couple minutes, anyway.

Out Cold was not his first movie, GLut. Nonetheless, a straightforward victory. Nice.

Yuck, then.

The time you spent Googling that cost you the firstie. Learn your fucking Spider-Man history and this won't happen again.

The whole post was just an excuse for Rabin to casually mention that he's dating a student. That's cool with me, though, unless she's a grad student, in which case, yuck.

fucking juffalo

That's quite a sweater.
V-neck. Classy. Work with it.

It's gotta be an IUD and it's gotta be copper. Progesterone ain't got nothin' on this seed.