
It's just like The Last Waltz, but if nobody ever heard of The Band. WTF is an LCD Soundsystem?

Great job deflating the stereotype of liberals as whiny assholes.

She was also mobbed up.

Wow, the author really liked this pretty terrible film, although I was openly laughing at it by the ending, so I guess it does kind of work as a subversive comedy.

Herman Cain for president, people!

How was the Foghat set?

Read the Conan books. Howard pretty much invented the genre - stories are very accessible and tightly written - almost no fluff, probably since Howard was paid by the word and his editors made him take that shit out. No elves or dwarves or stupid shit like that - I would say Martin is very influenced, in a way, by

My guess was half-right…
…I was going for Larry Tate.

The Game was a ridiculous film. Unless you view it as a comedy, then its brilliant. I laughed, at least.

You forgot Internationalists!
Which is fucking terrible. The rest of Weller's stuff goes from good to great.

So this is a terrible film, but it gets a B-?
Because it's fine for who it's made for? Way to Roger Ebert your way out of really saying anything…

Agreed. Astute observation.

I think what Tasha is saying is that this is a solid A, without the hairlip.