ernest p worrell

Northeast Indiana here.

This bummed me out a great deal more than I would have expected. Very sad.

The writing admittedly leaves something to be desired, but once I grew more accustomed to it, the annoying factor became less so. As a total package though, it was just perfect for me.

Thanks, I must not have dug deep enough, I'm about to correct that mistake. So if you've bought it, have you had a chance to play it yet? If so, what do you think?

It really is soooo good. The faux-iambic pentameter can be a little grating for some, but for me, it just adds to the overall whimsy of the expertly told story. There's a moment, I don't wanna be all spoiler-y, that made me sit back and just go "Wow". I live for those moments in gaming.

So I've scrolled down the comments section quite a ways, and I'm not seeing any love for Child of Light. It was easily my favorite game this year, and I'm surprised I haven't read much about it in the Gameological comment boards. It's absolutely beautiful, has an amazing soundtrack, and has a fairly, although not

I've been reading the AV Club comments boards for years without making more than a handful of comments myself. I generally tend to stay out of the conversation and enjoy the different and sometimes complimentary points of view regularly expressed here, rather than inserting my own self into the narrative. I just want

Although it's technically not a sitcom, Big Pussy would like to have a word with you….

If you mean Richard Stabone, then yes.

So….. We're not making jokes about Growing Pains anymore? I'm out.

The Stab 4?


Wolfman don't have nards