Sunny B.

This definitely sounds more like a Twilight Singers album, which is fine by me. I think trying to inject more soul elements would have been met with just as harsh a grade from the A.V. Club. Loving it so far!

I loved her in Talented Mr. Ripley. She can act. But if you can't laugh at yourself, it's hard to be liked by the public. Jennifer Lawrence with her silly faces, trying to keep Cheeto dust off her gowns - that's how you do it!

Are they not even considering Errol Childress?

I have similar Walking Dead problems - always on laundry night.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the Childress love story is not as gross as The Bachelor.

Agreed. The Chambers references constituted a fine line. Try to flush them out too much in the course of the show and you've got yourself a lit lecture instead of drama. I think the intimations and suggestions were more effective, particularly from the former housekeeper.

Yes, I swore I heard that too.

I thought it worked, but only because Rust's had already lost most of that razor sharp attitude (and let's face it, badassedness) of his youth. He was already tired.

Yes, love Zodiac and love this show. Also there's just a pinch of Ellroy with the drug flashbacks.

There were two details that were also handled well and realistically - Beth not offering any comfort to Ellie, and the secret relationship being mostly hugging (if Joe can be believed).  Personally I believed him.  Like Hardy said, there is every variety of secret in this world. 

I normally don't see anything coming, ever, but there was something about Joe early on.  He was so jocular all the time, and even though you could argue that it's his job to cheer up his wife who has a tough job, it seemed off.

I'm going to have to give this winner the Seth-and-Amy "Really?"


Ms. Enos had some great moments, but I couldn't help thinking she was out of her depth acting-wise with Peter Sarsgaard.  He's just too good.

Agreed.  This is a bummer.  Jerry waited a long time, worked closely with the family before reemerging.  He just wanted to continue his band, which had already been on hold for years before Layne's death because he wasn't functioning.  How long does the guy have to mourn?

I like Patricia and she made me cry many times last night.  But I could not root for the win, if only for that horrible red velvet kind-of-sleeveless-but-with-just-cuffs-like-a-Chippendales-dancer top.  Michelle put out a great collection, and I really felt the romanticism that wasn't totally clear from the first

What really won me over about Patricia in this challenge was her thoughtfulness about not depicting Paris in a cliche'd way (as in, I wouldn't show a native woman wrapped in a blanket on a horse).  It was one of her more successful looks and I was surprised the judges didn't like the slouchy collar.  There are a

I saw this movie (knowing what I was in for, but we ladies love to look at BC).  And I wondered why Cooper doesn't want to play likeable people.  Or does he really not get cast when the role isn't a spoiled/sleazy rake?

Sometimes I think I'm funny, then I read John Teti.  Best review since Gretchen'n'friends!

Sometimes I think I'm funny, then I read John Teti.  Best review since Gretchen'n'friends!