
Maybe I'm biased.  I grew up in the scariest house on the block.  While there were meth dealers down the street, nobody knew about them or cared because they lived in a regular looking two-story home while ours was an old and spooky manor with a pointed roof, shadowy trees and ominous barking dogs in our front yard.

Maybe I'm biased.  I grew up in the scariest house on the block.  While there were meth dealers down the street, nobody knew about them or cared because they lived in a regular looking two-story home while ours was an old and spooky manor with a pointed roof, shadowy trees and ominous barking dogs in our front yard.

I was worried.  As an Oregonian who took a tour of the studio while Coraline was being produced, I'm a big fan of Laika, but the trailer for this movie made it seem like Monster House* : something so light and inoffensive and toothless that you've forgotten about it by the time you reach your car in the parking lot.

I was worried.  As an Oregonian who took a tour of the studio while Coraline was being produced, I'm a big fan of Laika, but the trailer for this movie made it seem like Monster House* : something so light and inoffensive and toothless that you've forgotten about it by the time you reach your car in the parking lot.

"Hi, I'm Robin." It's interesting.  In the same way that TV show Louis C.K. isn't as big a star as real life C.K., I wonder if the Robin Williams in this episode is a version of him that stayed a standup with a modicum of celebrity.  It would be funny to have show full of A-list celebrities where everyone plays

I imagine that if you dig back far enough you could probably find intelligent discourse in the comment section of old YouTube videos.  And then: some folks complaining about how insipid and stupid the comments are getting.  It's a viscious cycle and we are all just snowflakes caught in an avalanche falling toward

I imagine that if you dig back far enough you could probably find intelligent discourse in the comment section of old YouTube videos.  And then: some folks complaining about how insipid and stupid the comments are getting.  It's a viscious cycle and we are all just snowflakes caught in an avalanche falling toward

"I'd rather be with the people of this town than the finest people in the world!"

"I'd rather be with the people of this town than the finest people in the world!"

The way look at the AV Club is I pop open a tab every time I see an article I'd like to read and then run through them one by one.  I hate having to go through like eight tabs trying to figure out which one is playing video so I can pause it.  "Where the fuck is that sound coming from?"

The way look at the AV Club is I pop open a tab every time I see an article I'd like to read and then run through them one by one.  I hate having to go through like eight tabs trying to figure out which one is playing video so I can pause it.  "Where the fuck is that sound coming from?"

Back when Edward Norton was dating Salma Hayek he began an anecdote with: "My girlfriend, who's Mexican…"  Why the fuck would you hide that information?  If you were sleeping with Salma Hayek wouldn't you want (or at least, expect) the whole world to know?  Maybe he had two Mexican girlfriends at the same time and he

Back when Edward Norton was dating Salma Hayek he began an anecdote with: "My girlfriend, who's Mexican…"  Why the fuck would you hide that information?  If you were sleeping with Salma Hayek wouldn't you want (or at least, expect) the whole world to know?  Maybe he had two Mexican girlfriends at the same time and he

I'll always remember her as the girl trapped between a car and slow moving lava.

I'll always remember her as the girl trapped between a car and slow moving lava.

I took as him having to put clothes on to be presentable.  If you're body's in a lot of pain even the weight and friction of clothing is unbearable.

I took as him having to put clothes on to be presentable.  If you're body's in a lot of pain even the weight and friction of clothing is unbearable.

A friend of mine in his thirties used to be in long-term relationships with women his own age but now almost exclusively dates post-college aged (early twenty something) young women.  While this certainly isn't as bad as say, dating a high school girl, it's still weird (given the short time span of these

A friend of mine in his thirties used to be in long-term relationships with women his own age but now almost exclusively dates post-college aged (early twenty something) young women.  While this certainly isn't as bad as say, dating a high school girl, it's still weird (given the short time span of these

God, I hate Yahoo's video player: 2 out of 3 times I try to play something it crashes Google Chrome.  Maybe my computer's shitty, but still fuck you, Yahoo.