
Exactly right! I never minded April as a character, just the storyline in general

Ha ha that's what's I thought too! I was like …eh Flashpoint guys?? That was only like ..a couple of weeks ago…

Oh there's The Flash we have been looking for! Lovely humour, great interplay between all the characters and just a lovely warmth of time.

That Tap number was aces, both the guys did such a great job with it.

Totes thought Rebecca was getting a DUI too.

Thanks for that, I recognized the music but couldn't remember which track it was! Lol

Brilliant episode …tho I do think Paula was too nice to Rebecca at the end. Rebecca let her down big time!

Omg so agree! First season Caitlin was great, funny and geeky and bouncing off Barry/Cisco well. Second season Caitlin was…shrill, a bit naive and generally…irritating. I loved first season Caitlin! Second season…not so much. If they did that so that the Iris/Barry thing would appear better in comparison and fans

White Josh & Daryl FTW

First up - Petra/Aneska *rolls eyes*, Suzanna as Rose *sighs*

Oh I'm all about Greg & Rebecca but…..that scene with Josh & Becs was very sweet too. Well, until she confirmed her crazy :)

Greg and that UTI song cracked me up. In a weird way it was sweet but also very very hilarious.

Amazing. Genuinely amazing episode.

Ok Greg & Tux & Tap….I think I'm just a little bit in love now

Yeah this scene has made me nervous for Michael ever since

Oh I love this series :) I think I laugh, gasp & cry in just about every episode.

U rock for this reference

Excellent season finale, kept me gripped to te end. Diana is majorly creepy!

Yes it was v messy, and yes I was a bit-the time remenant did what now?- But ….they got away with a lot cause the cast r so damned likeable & have huge amounts of chemistry!

I didn't read Eli & Diane's scene with the ASA as turning agin Peter, more them gaining some wiggle room?