
I did an excited clap at the end. Don't judge!

I wanna be a howling commando please?

No Season 4 reviews?? For shame! 😡

Is it sad I wanted them to do that in character?

Joey realising about Monica & Chandler. Cracks me up every time I watch.

I really thought they were marking out Shona as a future companion. In fact, I still think that.

Oh this was great! The reverse Flash (whomever he may be) really creeps me out and feels like an honest to goodness actual threat to people. Which is nice :) glad Barry told Iris his feelings so we can get by it and forget it was ever a storyline (please).

Am I evil for not wanting him fixed? I like angsty broken Fitz!

Fitz n Simmons break my heart a little every week.

Ok we are all Caitlin/Barry right? Iris who?

I did enjoy the return of the Fitz snarkinesss too :)

I think the thing is with Iris is that u can only be sympathetic to a character who is being made to appear a bit dim for a certain amount of time. It's the Lois Lane thing again. Best thing for her would to be in on the secret. And for her and Barry to never ever be a "thing".

As much as I love FitzSimmons….I've kinda loved them more since they were apart?

Loved that blurt out, just loved it…tho it still hurt my heart …poor Fitz

See it was the May/Coulson storyline Plus the Fitz storyline that made me love this ep so much.

I'm much more invested in the idea of a Barry-Caitlin romance than a Barry-Iris one at the mo…they have much better chemistry!

Ian De Caestecker is knocking it out the park. His reaction to seeing Ward was heart wrenching and I was with him with the O2 deprivation.But then not really cause Fitz is too sweet for doing of the actual killing :)

Me too :(

I also loved that Cary & Alicia's recollections of the same moment we're ever so slightly different, each of them remembering themselves as the more reasonable person in their expansion discussion.

Alicia & Will against the wall …"am I being too hard on you?" *thud*