
You know what else clues us in to the fact that this was a Vineyard? The fact that the show flat out said so last week. Feel free to hire a reviewer who actually pays attention.

Interesting. I stalled out halfway through that book and haven't been back to the series since. Bored the ever loving crap out of me.

Carrie and Oleg from season one is definitely up there for me.

It's really a shame they couldn't make something solid of of the mess that was Rayna's storyline. The actor is fairly engaging and the cracks Damon made about her looking like Elena were so entertaining in that moment that I kind of thought the writers were going to play with that on some deeper level. I'd have been

The second they cast Clancy I had him pegged for a secret baddy because Clancy.

That show is the best.

Disgustipated by tool. It's after the crickets on Undertow (track 69 as I recall).

We know the zombie virus can pass through condoms and we know the zombie cure is temporary. Poor Peyton. I can't wait.

He should have named the worm Jebediah.

Sounds like twop comment threads. Previously is an improvement but the same pedantic drama queens are there, to, so…

I'm convinced only people over 30 or so would get that reference. My younger friends have no idea what a pound sign is.