
Original recipe Carrie.

Franken used the word friend but the way he told the entire bit, I distinctly took "friendly" as his intended meaning. There was one bit, and I wish I could recall this verbatim, where he made a point of saying something about the baby blanket Sessions's wife knitted for Franken's grandbaby and he kind of waffled

And even if the House impeaches, he'd still have to be convicted in the Senate to be removed from office.

That might be a pointed reference to an ad the GOP ran back during the Gore/Bush elections. There was a nearly subliminal bit in it that spelled democrats precisely that way. It was a huge deal at the time. And all of the worst of the conservatives were parroting it online.

The Commitments is excellent. In no universe should it be rated 2 stars. Good Jeaysus.

I'm going with both at the moment.

The acting in the scene where Iris demands that Evil Barry looks at her… Man that was something else. Gustin has been a bit hit and miss for me in playing the various versions of Barry we met this season but he was outstanding in that bit. It's like 10 seconds of screen time but it really stood out for me.

For me, half the fun of superhero storytelling is the utterly bogus science. But all that lead in the Earth's atmosphere kinds of makes me hope that they bring that up as a plot point next season since lead poisoning causes some pretty bizarre behavioral problems in us humans. It could be tragic and hilarious.

Fits into the anti-science theme though (which the show has greatly expanded upon from what I can recall of the book). On a long enough timeline, Gilead will die on its own even if fertility numbers started climbing again. THey'll poison themselves with ecoli and lose all of their fertile women to their anti science

The thing that keeps striking me as morbidly hilarious continues to be the anti-science thread weaving its way through the background of this version of Gilead. Men are never blamed for infertility even though the wives, doctors, handmaids, and probably commanders themselves all know that both sexes were affected by

It would squig me out to be involved in such but yeah, kind of doesn't seem like a huge deal that many generations down the line. I mean everyone on the planet is technically 21st cousins or something.

If Canadian grades match up to USA, most of them would be 11 turning 12 in 6th grade.

I was kind of hoping it would be because the show spends its time playing out the unrealistically long suicide note (the tapes) in a way that bears no actual resemblance to real world suicide in the least. Or maybe because the show blames everyone around the dead character for her suicide instead of the mental illness

Dear Blackish,

Please no to JRM as the new protagonist. He's just so bad.

So where's the dog?

The second Dan said he was team Jess on Gilmore Girls I knew he was bad news.

He's been captured by the Saviors and off screen for a couple of episodes. The sneak peek on talking dead showed him for next week.

Brb, gotta go hug my cat.

I saw that hbo flick about Baker. It was a long time ago (late 80s/early 90s) but it wasd great.