
I think part of what makes Wonder Woman great is that it doesn't just settle for having a female superhero lead and a female director and call it a day. It goes beyond representation and is fairly progressive with gender politics in content, as well. The only character who shows any skin is male. Sexism is touched

So did you read the article? Those quotes from male critics were sexist. No one is saying that if you didn't like Wonder Woman you're automatically a sexist. Just that you have bad taste.

That's a good point that these extended universes are forcing film critics to be more like television critics. I personally find it a little frustrating, but I guess maybe it's hard to avoid in some ways.

For me, their lesser stuff isn't particularly satisfying, even from a fast food standpoint. But yeah, I get the comparison.

I've been curious about that show. It's based on a great book called 'The Book of Strange New Things.' I haven't really seen anyone discuss the show, but it seems like it's something with a lot of potential.

I'd agree that Suicide Squad is worse than any movie in the MCU. I do think, however, that there's something to be said for trying to do something different and failing (miserably), as opposed to Marvel's "set the bar super low so we can always clear it" modus operandi.

I didn't mind that character but if they could've left her out and doubled the scenes with Selina Kyle instead I would've been all for it.

I'm glad he convinced him because Anne Hathaway was awesome and her character was one of my favorite parts of Rises.

Chromatics are awesome. They were featured heavily on the Drive soundtrack, if I'm remembering right. Check out their album 'Kill For Love' if you're interested in hearing more.

Bit of a tangent, but did you find it annoying that every single review of Wonder Woman spent paragraphs on the dire state of the DCU? I get including a little bit of that for context, but when everyone is expressing the exact same opinion it starts to feel more like a fan forum than a group of professional critics.

Watched old and new superhero movies this week. Wonder Woman. Think it deserves more credit than it's been getting, honestly - at least from critics. Diana Prince is a great character. She's strong, but not in the generic Strong Female mode so often employed by bad writers. She's not just a beautiful woman who's

The reviews are unfortunately accurate in that respect. Luckily there are still some worthwhile moments contained within the clusterfuck, and everything that came before is pretty frigging great. Easily the best superhero movie of the year for me.

Bernie Bros are starting to piss me off just as much as Trump followers. Every single time there's an article about Hillary their response is the same: "Ugh, she needs to go away. I'm a liberal but she's bad for the party." Um, no, how about you fuck off and let the woman who should be our current president speak?

Haven't watched this show yet, but Chlumsky was really excellent in a small role on Hannibal.

Being pissed on by Russian prostitutes is the most likable thing Trump's ever done.

And his followers just find another way to spin this into a positive. "See? He really is an outsider!" Well fuck me then, I guess he is qualified. Meanwhile Dodd-Frank gets repealed and Congress pushes massive tax cuts for the rich, which is about as pro-establishment as it gets.

Tinkle-down economics do NOT work, people!


I had to read that name like three times when I first encountered it. I didn't know if it was supposed to be trolling Trump or what.

If he lies, Ryan will just excuse it with "he's new at this." I love that, like Trump is a dumb teen who got into a fender bender with his dad's car. HE'S DRIVING THE COUNTRY, PEOPLE.