
I was rooting for it just because of James Ponsoldt. He has a real knack for tone and making potentially generic stories feel specific and lived-in; I hope he doesn't surrender that sensibility to do cookie-cutter blockbusters (his next film is for Disney, but he's writing it, as well; hopefully that's a positive

Reminds me of Skyfall in that way. A Bond villain who gets captured on purpose only to open the doors later with (gasp!) computers. The evil technical mastermind character is generally a sign the writer has run out of ideas.

Love Joy Ride! Every once in a while a friend of mine will randomly intone "Candy Caaane" in that weird low voice at parties, and a surprising number of people actually get the reference. I don't know if it's quite attained cult status, but it's probably close.

Jackie Brown and Out of Sight, both Elmore Leonard adaptations, are both much better films than novels.

It only frustrated me belatedly, maybe around the halfway point. By then the sparseness was starting to feel like an affectation, something to give the illusion of depth to what in reality was a B-movie not all that different from a dozen other revenge pictures. He definitely had some directing chops, but I was less

As is Red Rock West! He actually directed quite a few episodes of Dexter, I believe, as well. I was always happy to see his name pop up in the credits.

Haven't seen you around these parts in a while! (Though this might be the first time I've read an article in the gaming section, so that could be why.)

I actually thought Blue Ruin had the same issue, where the vagueness that started off intriguing gradually revealed itself to be a crutch. In Blue Ruin's case it seemed like an intentional attempt to obscure plot turns and character motivations that wouldn't hold up to scrutiny if explained explicitly. The film just

Split could've lost fifteen minutes and been a much tighter film, but it's still creepy and funny and pretty damn entertaining overall.

Haven't played any of these games, but this was an excellent piece.

He's also no slouch behind the camera. Top Five and I Think I Love My Wife are both solid films.

Sandy Wexler is surprisingly fun and even kind of well-written. Probably his best since Blended, another one I enjoyed a lot more than I expected to.

I was admittedly not familiar with that particular comment…

It's depressing that I looked at the photo and immediately thought "That's better company than the president keeps."

Fox is just glad she's not leaving because of Bill O'Reilly.

Eh, lots of films have the same basic plot outline. In tone and content it's pretty far from a Woody Allen film. I liked it.

I'd rather give Hulu money than Comcast. Though right now I'm doing both, so I guess I shouldn't be talking.

Sandy Wexler is legitimately pretty funny. If you enjoyed any of Sandler's movies in the past, you'll probably like it.

The guy is a regular commenter who participates in discussions on plenty of other topics, but he has this reputation as an anti-Marvel troll because a lot of people take his criticisms of the MCU personally. Maybe he's kind of leaned into the criticisms since he became known for it, but I've never seen him be rude or

I had to read that headline three times before it made sense.