
I mean, Manimal should probably be Exhibit A here. The guy gets brought up in comment sections he's not even a part of because he's not a fan of Marvel and isn't shy about expressing that opinion. That would seem to imply that there is a certain sensitivity on many commenters' parts when it comes to the MCU.

I think you misread my comment. I'm saying that if a character as two-dimensional as Thor can be given three movies, there's no reasonable justification for denying Black Widow at least one.

Why? She was great in Winter Soldier. If frigging Thor can carry three movies Black Widow should at least get one

I'm trying!

Sounds like a classic "two things" scenario.

You don't expect him to start taking risks, do you?

The movie will have "a sense of climax if not conclusion."

I think its critics are saying it's a horrible creative decision, not horrible in-world.

I'm not sure the general public remembers any of those films better than Avatar. Certainly not the latter two.

Bet you're regretting taking the room in the attic!

There are random little pockets of A.V. Club that are completely sincere, where commenters actually talk about their lives and wish each other well. They're to be avoided at all costs.

It was fun. Not memorable, exactly, but I give it points for weirdness and some beautiful effects work. The big explodey climax where the heroes try to escape a collapsing building was also executed with a lot more panache than the standard explodey building collapsing climax.

Casino Royale is a legitimately great action/adventure film. Craig's Bond films, though, have been a series of diminishing returns, IMO. Quantum wasn't a total success, but it wasn't bad, either, and I liked that it made an effort to continue the story/character arc from Casino. Skyfall, despite being a critical

Zohan is frigging awesome. I'd put it with MacGruber and Hot Rod as one of the great goofy modern comedies.

No, I think you're right, actually. Heigl is often described as "difficult" in gossip articles, but if you dig a little deeper "difficult" seems to actually mean "has opinions."

You're not helping Baulderstone feel less sick…

I know! I didn't realize when they eliminated the 5-dollar footlong it meant the grinders would cost like four times as much. I eat out a lot, but I'm not a Rockefeller.

Cats and dogs as best friends? How are you not?

True about Isaac. He was great as an idealistic, likable, and ultimately deeply insecure/troubled mayor in Show Me a Hero.

My criticism is more of CK than the crowd, who are already primed to laugh no matter what he says (myself included) by sheer virtue of attending a comedy show of a hugely popular comedian. What I was trying to get at is that CK very much knows he's doing a lazy joke wherein he tries to get cheap laughs by mocking