
The movie wasn't bad; it had a lot of interesting ideas and some sharp and funny moments. I don't think it all really gelled together cohesively, and the characters too often functioned as mouthpieces rather than flesh and blood people, but that being said it was the type of movie that made me look forward to what

She has a new song with Linkin Park that I am not at all embarrassed to say I like all lot.

"Unimpressive 3D graphics" is like the one thing that makes absolutely no damn sense to knock Avatar for. I'm actually a big fan of it in general, but I get the criticisms of it being derivative, or the dialogue being hokey. But the effects? There still hasn't been a film to better utilize 3D. That boggles my mind

It is funny. I'd put it in the same category as something like Hot Rod (although it's not nearly as good as Hot Rod).

Blockbusters have a way of doing that. I remember feeling that way about War of the Worlds, and more recently, Man of Steel, which had a beautiful teaser trailer that gave me chills, and that in no way reflected just how loud and dumb the actual movie would be.

Vegas Vacation gets a pass no matter how dumb it is for giving the world Papa Georgio. That is never not hilarious to me.

Wow, my tastes do *not* align with the staff's. Seeing Avatar in 3D was an awesome moviegoing experience for me (so much so that I did it three times). Sleeping with Other People is one of the best romantic comedies of the past few years, IMO. Watchmen, and to a lesser extent Batman V. Superman, are two of the more

Yeah, it wasn't my favorite track, either. I'm not familiar with r/popheads; I'll have to give that a look.

Dude, me too! Discovering Tei Shi through Spotify, I mean. Been listening to "Go Slow" and "Keep Running" nonstop.

"Yo, Mr. White, what's the best streaming service?"
"Now. Say its name."
"…Yahoo Streaming?"
*abandons Jesse with neo-Nazis*

Picture caption: "You're not my real dad!"

And Tommy Lee Jones was quite good, as well!

Best of the three, in my book. Which is shocking considering all their production problems.

False! I mentioned him. But yes, I agree completely.

Ha, I remember that one. I never delved too far into the fan theories, but that made me laugh, anyway.

I feel that way even outside of YouTube. That's why I always preferred reading Roger Ebert's reviews to watching the abbreviated critiques on 'At the Movies.' There are a couple exceptions on YouTube, though. Jenny Nicholson, who was promoted in an A.V. Club article fairly recently, has done a small number of

Honestly, I just love Arrow in general, but this season's definitely been firing on all cylinders.

Yeah, this season has some of the best flashbacks the show has ever done. I got kind of bored with the island stuff after a while, so I actually kind of prefer this year's. It's hard to top Oliver duking it out with Dolph Lundgren. Also, Anatoly is hilarious, and Slade was…he didn't smile a lot, so I'm enjoying the

Yeah, they have a formula, but they're good at what they do. If I hear "Closer" again I may kill someone, though.

I get where you're coming from, but complaining that YouTube videos aren't written reviews kind of misses the point of YouTube.