Wingnut McSpazzatron

Science has proven that Arnie punching out a camel is the funniest thing EVER. A+

Lars Von Trier
His movies are more like a large rock in the face.

Yeah, that whole plot with the painting just went nowhere.

"A Serbian Movie" got released here in the UK, albeit with a fair few cuts.

I liked Valhalla Rising. If Tree of Life had more vikings and up-front disembowelings I'd give it a chance.

My girl has Dr Who sound clips as text alerts. She once got a text at 3:30am. "Don't blink. Don't even blink, blink and you're DEAD"!

Was Andrew Garfield really in that or are you just fucking with us to get us to sit through it again?

I love the bike jump over a fence. The director tries to turn into the Odessa steps scene from Battleship Potempkin.

Anyone remember him in Saving Private Ryan?

I think the "Mars Needs Moms" box office has cooled expectations for this thing pretty fucking drastically.

Wait 'til we send N-Dubz to America.

Ah, 'Will-o-the-Wisp', where the villian was… a talking television! Subversive humour with a Kenneth Williams voice-over. Them was the days.

Awww man, "Split Second"! I thought I was the only person who remembers that thing.

Shame, too. "Written in the Stars" is just kind of generic. I guess "Invincible" will be next, the Kelly Rowland chorus pretty much guarantees it.

Daybreakers had Sam Neil, Willem Dafoe and proper vampires. What's not to like?

I can't believe I had to scroll this far down to find a mention of "Music for the Jilted Generation".

Did no-one else think the "Under the Red Hood" Joker was a bit too physically imposing? Add DiMaggio's voice and he just comes across as a thug instead a lunatic.

Back on the original Ra's Death/Murder: Gordon shot out the rail tracks, causing the train crash. Surely he'd be the murderer (despite it arguably being in the line of duty).

"Disco is NOT dead! Disco is LIFE!!!"

Miller - That's all I've got and all I need. That Anthology is packed, the songs are so damn short.