Clown Rapist

Alright, that one made me laugh.

This may all be meaningless, even what I'm posting right now, and it may be holding my interest right now, but my point is this: I won't be here doing it all over again tomorrow, and I won't be sharing my thoughts on Twitter about the new fabric softener I purchased today. And if you've never dressed as a clown and

You got me there, ZMF. I guess I really should be wasting my life posting hundreds upon hundreds of meaningless comments and tweets. I've been such a fool for having a life outside of my living room.

Hey, no cheating. This is all in good fun, but it's not fair to log out and give yourself praise, ZMF.

Did you post any of that on Twitter before posting it here? Or were you too busy posting about the new tie-down anchors you bought for your trailer today?

Congratulations. Be sure you let everyone know what you're having for dinner, and when you plan on taking your next shit. The universe would crumble if people didn't know every little detail of each other's lives.

@Mjp - I wouldn't really consider Family Guy's "humor" rapid fire since everyone pretty much knows what's coming : Peter falls on his face, makes an obscure reference, cutaway gag, rinse, repeat.

It felt to me like that scene was added to somewhat convey Harry's hatred towards Bellatrix for killing Sirius, just running after her like that.

I've never read the books…
but as a fan of the films I've never found the stories that hard to follow. I don't see why people think knowledge of the books is mandatory to know what's going on. That said, I also think you should learn to seperate the books from the films, no matter how big a fan you are. They're two

Kutch Me If You Can

Sweet zombie Jackson!

And the pans won't shut up!